kewisch / gdata-provider

Provider for Google Calendar
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No support for Tasks (nor any configuration) when using SuperNova #691

Open desrod opened 7 months ago

desrod commented 7 months ago

I had hopes that this add-on would allow me to synchronize Google Tasks with my subscribed calendars with Thunderbird, but alas, it does not.

I'm using the latest self-built version of this add-on from main as of today, and while the previous versions from the Thunderbird Add-ons page supported minimal Event configuration (after altering the manifest to allow installing in SuperNova), the later versions from git, do not have any configuration at all (wrench is greyed out).

I've enabled debug logging for the calendar, but nothing stands out in the log entries that would point to any specific issue with synchronizing Tasks at all. No matter which of the TB profiles nor 7 different GMail accounts I try, it always says: "Please select a calendar that supports tasks" when trying to bring up Tasks under Calendar, and all of the options to create tasks are greyed out under the Tasks and Calendar panes.

I've unsubscribed from all of the calendars and re-subscribed to them one-at-a-time, with the same results.

It does appear that SuperNova 122.0a1 (2023-11-25) does not support IMAP-based Tasks at all, with or without this add-on, the results and messages are the same.

Is there any way to support Tasks with this provider? Or has that been deprecated with the new SN API changes?

wsmwk commented 7 months ago also suggests it does not work. But indicates task sync works.

@kewisch any reason why sync would not work in nightly build? (with maxversion set accordingly of course)

RH2357 commented 4 months ago

Thunderbird SuperNova 115.8.1 (64-bit) with Provider For Google Calendar 115.0.2 (last update 1/25/2024). Ubuntu 22.04.

Have also noticed an issue with tasks not being available (grayed out). I believe that I had this working in the past with earlier versions of Ubuntu and Thunderbird and Provider For Google Calendar.