kewisch / gdata-provider

Provider for Google Calendar
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Provider for Google Calendar

Build Status

These are the sources for the Provider for Google Calendar.


The main ways to test the provider are the manual testing plan and the linters. While there is an automated test available, it is unfortunately not very reliable.

# Creating the packaged build in dist/gdata-provider.xpi
npm run build

# Running the linters
npm run lint

# Running the automated test harness. Build first because it uses dist/gdata-provider.xpi
npm run build
npm test

# Make sure you also run the manual test plan, or at least the parts you are changing

Commit messages should follow conventional commits with sentence case.

Report Issues

First of all, make sure you are using the version of the Provider for Google Calendar that matches your Thunderbird. If there is no such version available, please take the next lower release number.

For debugging, please enable calendar.debug.log and calendar.debug.log.verbose in the advanced config editor (Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor) and check the logs in the error console (Tools > Error Console) for what is happening when your error occurs.

Please check the FAQ to see if your question may already be answered. If you have a support question, please visit the support forum.

If you would like to file a development issue, please use the Github issue tracker.