kewisch / gdata-provider

Provider for Google Calendar
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Thunderbird does not preserve the order of the Google calendar in the list of calendars #706

Closed tibx closed 5 months ago

tibx commented 6 months ago

Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:

On the Calendar tab in Thunderbird, I have two calendars: Google (the calendar from the Provider for Google Calendar extension) and Local (for the local Thunderbird standard calendar). The order of the calendars is 1. Google, 2. Local, so when I add a new calendar event, the Google calendar is preselected as I need it.

What happened?

After some time, however, it repeatedly happens that the order of the calendars changes so that 1. is Local and 2. is Google.

What did you expect to happen?

Thunderbird should preserve the user's preference and set order of calendars 1. Google, 2. Local

Anything else we should know?

Thunderbird 115.6.0 32b Provider for Google Calendar 115.0.2

kewisch commented 5 months ago

This is likely more a Thunderbird issue, I don't believe I am messing with the sort order. Can you check with the Thunderbird team?

tibx commented 5 months ago

Bugzilla bug 1877182