kewisch / gdata-provider

Provider for Google Calendar
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Event invite alerts cannot be closed #760

Closed Sp3EdeR closed 4 days ago

Sp3EdeR commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:

What happened?

What did you expect to happen?

The dismiss button should dismiss the alert, and the alert should not come back again.

Anything else we should know?

Workaround: The event must be deleted. This does erase the information though, so it is not a desired behavour.

Thunderbird used to have a very similar issue with event reminder alerts in read-only calendars. I think the issue may be similar here, not being able to modify an event owned by someone else. The Thunderbird issue was resolved by creating a local database for events where alert states could be stored. Perhaps, if I'm right about the cause, the solution could be reused.

Honzo089 commented 4 days ago

I see the same issue. Possibly since the last update on June 10th

kewisch commented 4 days ago

If you get the same error message, this has been around basically forever. See #3 for more info. I have this likely fixed on the main branch, but that one is not ready to be used yet. I'd rather not put extra effort into porting this back to the current release branch, as it would be quite a bit of work. Thank you for reporting, fingers crossed I can release from main soon!