kezzbracey / RDBL

A simple script to help you design "Readable First" responsive layouts
MIT License
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A simple script to help you design "Readable First" responsive layouts.


Readable First - A Responsive Design Approach That Is:



Please see the demo for how to load up the widget.

Note, the 'characters per line' value is estimated via the first paragraph tag in your target readable element.

Note on Readability

The default range 'characters per line' range used is 63 - 81 characters, aiming for optimal readability in consideration of saccades (eye movements) per line and comfort for the eye.

This is based on the eye taking in an average of 7 - 9 characters per saccade, and targeting approximately nine saccades per line.

However this is a guideline and you can adjust to whatever you personally think is right.

Firefox only

Right now only Firefox support all the stuff this does, so please use that.


Thanks to Leon Gersen for the noUISlider: