kfrancis / Chargify2

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Chargify API V2 .NET Wrapper Build status


This library is meant to be used with the Chargify Direct API.

You'll need Chargify Direct credentials to interact with the Chargify V2 API, which you can get by generating credentials within your site settings.

Getting Started

Install the nuget:

Install-Package chargify2

Sample Code

Check out the Chargify Direct .NET Sample for usage examples.

View a call resource:

chargify = new Chargify2.Client(api_id: "f43ee0a0-4356-012e-0f5f-0025009f114a", api_password: "direct777test", api_secret: "supersecret" );
call = chargify.ReadCall("4dbc42ecc21d93ec8f9bb581346dd41c5c3c2cf5");


What to contribute:

How to contribute:


Copyright (c) 2013 Kori Francis, See LICENSE.txt for further details.