kfriede / Aquarium

An IP controller for Sharp Aquos TVs
MIT License
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Aquarium - IP Remote Control for Sharp Aquos TV's

Sharp Aquos TV's provide the ability to be controlled via IP. This utility allows you to send commands to one or many IP controlled Sharp TV via a computer.

Executable Binaries

Aquarium executables can be downloaded from here. To run, unzip and double click the Aquarium.jar file.

TV Setup

Setting up nodes.json

Aquarium is dependent on a JSON formatted file which contains information of the TV's (nodes) of which to send commands to. An example of the format required is located in nodes.json. This file format is plaintext and can be modified using a standard text editor, however it is recommended to use a specialized editor.

Aquarium will look for a nodes.json file in the directory adjacent to the .jar and automatically load it in. If this file is not found, you can load an appropriate file manually through the File menu.

Compiling from Source

In the project directory, run: mvn clean compile assembly:single. An executable .jar file can then be found in the "target" directory.

Common Messages: