kgiszewski / Machina

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Migration scenario... unpublished edited item. #1

Open mistyn8 opened 7 years ago

mistyn8 commented 7 years ago

Not so much of an issue as a request for advice..

We have a number of products that are in the edit/approval state and can't simply all be published prior to a migration to UDI's and new content/media pickers.. though we'd like to embrace the new core prop value convertors and pickers.

I did try var PubVersionOfItem = cs.GetPublishedVersion(item); and published that IContent Item... But whilst this republishes the previously published version.. it also then overwrites any saved but not published changes to the node.

I'm stuggling to see how we can move to udi's without a clean completely published node structure (other than starting to hack around in the DB)

So as I say any ideas???

Here was my musing for a dirty migration on our..

kgiszewski commented 7 years ago

Sorry it's taken so long to respond. Yes you're in a pickle :)

The only way around is to pause editor work, approve all of the pending work; migrate; then allow the editors to continue working. Definitely not ideal.

mistyn8 commented 7 years ago

No worries, thanks for the reply and you said it in a pickle... not a fan of the implications of these udis for existing content even if I can see the security enhancements they offer. ;-)