kgiszewski / Machina

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An Umbraco Chauffeur extension to run one-time utilities (or as needed) on your Umbraco sites.

Property Editor Migrations

Migrate from Property Editors from the old non-UDI to the new UDI format.


To use you will need to do the following:

1) Install Chauffeur.Runner (recommended to use v0.9.0) to your web project. This will allow you to execute these scripts from the command line. 2) Make sure the Machina.dll is in you web /bin folder. Get it on Nuget. 3) Start the runner by executing ~/bin/Chauffeur.Runner.exe 4) Type help and press ENTER. This will show you the commands you can run.

You should read the rest of this before proceeding (including FAQ's)!


To run a command, type the command name and press ENTER. For instance to run the migrate content picker command, type machina-mcp and press ENTER.

This will provide you preview output against your database. At this time you see if the proposed changes seem legit.

You'll likely get no output because you probably haven't changed your ContentPicker to ContentPicker2.

Log into Umbraco, change any datatype using Umbraco.ContentPicker to Umbraco.ContentPicker2 and save. Any prevalues won't move over so you'll wanna update those too.

Now re-run the preview (i.e. machina-mcp <ENTER>).

If you're happy with the results and want to alter the DB, type machina-mcp -p:1<ENTER>.

At this point your site will be broken if you visit it. It's because the underlying content has been updated in the DB but the frontend is operating off the cache values.

The cached values are used in the Umbraco.ContentPicker2 property value converter and will throw an exception.

To fix publish all of your nodes. You can do so by right-clicking the root level items (one at a time) and selecting 'Publish'. This isn't the same as 'Republish Entire Site' which is available at the top.


Commands (v0.2.0+)

Migrate Nested Content


Requires -ncdtpa, and -udi Optionally -f, -p

Migrates Nested Content values to use UDI.

Migrate Content Picker


Optionally -f, -p

Migrates Content Picker.

Migrate Media Picker


Optionally -f, -p

Migrates Media Picker.

Migrate MNTP


Optionally -f, -p

Migrates MNTP values to UDI. At this time only supports content and not media or member. If you need to do this, ya might wanna fork this repo and have a go at it.


-udi:<media|content> - Sets whether to use Media or Content for UDI generation.

-f:<docTypeAlias> - Filters the content based on a doctype alias.

-p:1 - Instructs Machina to save the results to the DB BACKUP YOUR DB FIRST

-ncdtpa:<docTypePropertyAlias> - Which JSON field are we doing crazy REGEX on?


Where do I get the Machina.dll? Right now can clone this repo and build it or off Nuget.

What about 'xyz' property type? There are a few other property types not covered in the migration scripts. Those are Archetype, Folder Browser, Member Picker and Related Links. Send me a PR. You might wanna try the NestedContent migrator on Archetype. I haven't migrated an Archetype site yet.

Can I just test a small set first? You can pass a doctype to the migrations in this form machina-mcp -f:homepage to limit the content to the homepage doctype. Use machina-mcp -p:1 -f:homepage to persist the changes to just that doctype.

I don't see the commands I'm expecting. Confirm the Machina.dll is in your /bin. Visual Studio doesn't like to copy DLL's (even if they are referenced) to the /bin unless there is a usage somewhere in code. You can force it by using a dummy class like this:

public class MachinaBootstrapper
    private static void Dummy()
        Action<Type> noop = _ => { };
        var dummy = typeof(Machina.Migrations.MigrationHelper);

Or you can copy it directly from the Nuget package folder and drop it into the /bin.

This is an annoying 'feature' that can be read about here.


Thanks to Aaron Powell (Chauffeur author) and Tom Fulton for letting me share :)