kh-bd / interp4j-intellij-plugin

Intellij plugin to support interp4j library
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Interp4j support for IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ plugin to support interp4j library.

What is interp4j?

Interp4j is string interpolation library for java language.

For example, we use String.format to compose some greeting message. This code works, but a bit cumbersome to write.

class Greeter {
    public String describe(Person person) {
        String template = "Hello! My name is %s. I'm %d";
        return String.format(template, person.getName(), person.getAge());

With string interpolation it will look like this

class Greeter {
    public String describe(Person person) {
        return s("Hello! My name is ${person.getName()}. I'm ${person.getAge()}");

To read more about string interpolation, look at it's home page.

How to install plugin?

It's intelliJ plugin, so to install it go to Preferenses -> Plugins -> Marketplace. Type in interp4j. It should be there.

Plugins' search window

If you cannot find plugin in marketplace, it can mean your IntelliJ version is not supported. Try to update to the latest IntelliJ version.

Main features