khanlab / hippunfold

BIDS App for Hippunfold (automated hippocampal unfolding and subfield segmentation)
MIT License
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long staging #196

Open jordandekraker opened 2 years ago

jordandekraker commented 2 years ago

Lately i've been submitting hippunfold jobs from within a regularSubmit -j LongSkinny job because building the DAG and staging takes so long. Possible bottlenecks:

akhanf commented 1 year ago

I think we connected off-line about this, but closing the loop here too --

The group: subj indeed will make sure only one cluster job is submitted per subject, but it still needs to do all the accounting for all the rules. The long delay when running on graham is usually related to the slow network file system (/project,/scratch,/home) , especially if running on a large dataset. Snakemake writing to the .snakemake folder can also be slow if on the network file system.

I don't think the printing itself slows things down, and I agree it is a lot of text, but not sure there is an easy way to suppress that (if it's not possible via a snakemake option) without suppressing other necessary information..

The --group-components is mainly useful if you want more than one subject in a cluster job (e.g. --group-components subj=5 will group 5 subjects per job), which is useful when you have e.g. >1000 subjects, since only 1000 jobs can be submitted at a time on graham.. But it won't speed up the submission at all (but might save some time overall if jobs wait in the queue less). Note: group-components is mentioned in the docs, but in the Contributing to HippUnfold -> Instructions for Compute Canada..

That said, the most efficient way to run hippunfold for a large number of subjects is with a wrapper script -- this wrapper was made for this purpose:

I'm leaving this issue open as a reminder to point to this wrapper in the hippunfold docs.