khanlab / hippunfold

BIDS App for Hippunfold (automated hippocampal unfolding and subfield segmentation)
MIT License
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deep-learning hippocampus mri python segmentation

Documentation Status Docker Pulls Version

Full Documentation: here


This tool aims to automatically model the topological folding structure of the human hippocampus, and computationally unfold it. Hippo Fold Unfold

This is especially useful for:

NEW: Version 1.3.x release

Major changes include the addition of unfolded space registration to a reference atlas harmonized across seven ground-truth histology samples. This method allows shifting in unfolded space, providing even better intersubject alignment.

Note: this replaces the default workflow, however you can revert to the legacy workflow, disabling unfolded space registration, by setting --atlas bigbrain or --no-unfolded-reg

Read more in our manuscript

Also the ability to specify a new experimental UNet model that is contrast-agnostic using synthseg and trained using more detailed segmentations. This generally produces more detailed results but has not been extensively tested yet.

Note: Docker containers for version 1.3.x and above do not come pre-shipped with nnU-net models (and are accordingly more lightweight!) - models are downloaded automatically when running, but please see the FAQ for more information!


The overall workflow can be summarized in the following steps:

Pipeline Overview

For more information, see Full Documentation: here

Additional tools

For plotting, mapping fMRI, DWI or other data, and manipulating surfaces, see here

For statistical testing (spin tests) in unfolded space, see here


HippUnfold methods paper

Unfolded space registration and multihist7 atlas

Commentary on surface-based hippocampal segmentation

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