khanlab / hippunfold

BIDS App for Hippunfold (automated hippocampal unfolding and subfield segmentation)
MIT License
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Tutorial for transforming BigBrain to MNI #258

Closed andreifoldes closed 9 months ago

andreifoldes commented 9 months ago

Thank you for developing this tool!

I was thinking that it would be useful rs and task-fmri people if there was a tutorial on the ideal way to transform anatomical masks from BigBrain to MNI? I would specifically be most interested in MNI152NLin2009cAsym or MNI152NLin6Asym.

akhanf commented 9 months ago

There is for general warps between bigbrain and template spaces.

If you want hippunfold outputs in a template space you could also run hippunfold directly on the template. I've actually done this already for templateflow templates (incl MNI templates) and shared outputs here:

andreifoldes commented 9 months ago

There is for general warps between bigbrain and template spaces. Thanks, that amazing!

If you want hippunfold outputs in a template space you could also run hippunfold directly on the template. I've actually done this already for templateflow templates (incl MNI templates) and shared outputs here:

Neat! I thought would be best practice to run hippunfold on the native T1w...

akhanf commented 9 months ago

Yes it is definitely best practice to run on native T1w, so hippunfold on templateflow is mainly for cases when the data is only in a template space, or you don't have access to the native T1w images.