khanlab / wiki

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Khanlab Wiki

Originally curated here.

This wiki was built using Jekyll and Github pages using the JustTheDocs theme.

Updating the Wiki

Each "page" of the wiki is found in its corresponding folder under /docs. The front matter describes how the data should be ordered in the navigation, whether a table of contents should be shown, whether it is a child or parent page, and the subpath of the URL.

Example parent page

layout: default
title: Open Science
nav_order: 5
description: "Open-science practices of the Khan Lab"
has_children: false
permalink: /open-science

Example child page

layout: default
title: Website
parent: Onboarding
nav_order: 5
permalink: /onboarding/website


The config (_config.yml) has variables that set properties for the page. Importantly, the callouts should be kept be in mind as it sets the title and colour for each type of call out.


A callout can be set on the page using syntax that is similar to {: .note}. It is important that the name of the callout, as well as the colour is set in the config.

[^1]: It can take up to 10 minutes for changes to your site to publish after you push the changes to GitHub.