khoait / DCE.PCF

Power Apps PCF Controls Repository
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Multiselect Dropdown(Poly) remains at 'Loading' #87

Open mkardekar opened 7 months ago

mkardekar commented 7 months ago


Control remains at ‘Loading’

1) I’ve MAActivities entity form 2) I’ve Community Dev Plan(second entity) as a single lookup in the form 3) I want to have multiple select Focus Area(third entity) lookup to single select lookup of CDP(second entity).

However not sure about configuration or is it a bug? Can you correct me pls? Need to show it on Monday, will benefit you as well in terms of sponsorship.

Thanks Nik

Ps: Refer attachments. Doc2.docx Capture1

khoait commented 7 months ago

Hi @mkardekar thanks for your feedback.

I think it's just a misconfiguration. Let me know if I understand it correctly.

On the MAActivity form, you want to lookup to a CDP, and based on the select CDP you want to select multiple Areas?