khoait / DCE.PCF

Power Apps PCF Controls Repository
GNU General Public License v3.0
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🚀 DynCRMExp Power Apps PCF Components Repository

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This Github repository contains a collection of React-based components that provide extensive functionalities with consistent UI/UX to Power Apps using the Fluent UI Design Language. The components are designed to be easy to use and highly customizable, allowing you to quickly build powerful and visually appealing Power Apps.

📚 Components Documentation

The components included in this repository are fully documented with examples and usage guidelines. You can find the documentation in the wiki page of the repository.

  1. PolyLookup: Multi-select lookup supporting different types of many-to-many relationships.
  2. Lookdown: Lookup field as a dropdown with advanced features.
  3. TimePicker: TimePicker only displays the time part of a datetime field and supports quick values from a dropdown.

⚙️ Installation

To use these components in your Power Apps project, you'll need to download the file from the Releases page and import to your environment. The solution contains all components in this repo.

Once you've installed the solution, you can select the components in the form designer.

🤝 Contribution

Thanks for showing your interest in the repo. All contributions are most welcome!

Ways to contribute

If you'd like to contribute to the code, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new branch from a component branch you want to work on
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages
  4. Submit a pull request

I'll review your changes and work with you to merge them into the main repository.

Git branches

Build and test individual component in dev

  1. open the repo in VS Code
  2. in Terminal, navigate to a component folder cd PolyLookupComponent for example
  3. run npm install to install all required packages
  4. run npm run build to build the component
  5. to test the component, because the component needs to load metadata from Dataverse, we can't use the test harness by running npm run start.

    Instead, we need to deploy the component to an environment by running

    pac pcf push --publisher-prefix dce

    you'll need PowerApps CLI to run pac commands, please install it here

Build the component package for production

when you're ready, you can build a solution package that contains all components in the repo to deploy to a production environment.

  1. in Terminal, navigate to folder cd DCEPCF/solution
  2. for dotnet build, run

    dotnet build --configuration Release

    for msbuild, run

    msbuild /t:build /restore /p:configuration=Release
  3. you can find a managed solution and an unmanaged solution created in the output folder under solution/bin/Release