khoi-truong / RxWorkshop

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Learn RxSwift by making App to search GitHub repositories



YouTube Video Demo


  1. Setup SwiftLint for TODO lists

    brew install swiftlint


  2. You can complete Step 1 at home

Work plan

Step 1 - Prepare a simple application, with RxSwift, a ViewController and a ViewModel

Step 2 - Functional fundamental: map, filter, sort, reduce

Step 3 - Reactive way: Create the first Observable, auto update search description

Step 4 - Disposables and Dispose Bags: clean the floor after a party

Step 5 - Variables: storage of signals

Step 6 - Subscription: listen to the changes and do things

Step 6a - Debug in RxSwift

Step 7 - More operators: flatMapLatest and combineLatest

Step 8 - Replace the mock with real network requests

Step 8a - Filter Nil, replace nil with empty

How to