khrome / ascii-art

A Node.js library for ansi codes, figlet fonts, ascii art and other ASCII graphics
MIT License
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chalk compatibility #2

Closed khrome closed 7 years ago

khrome commented 9 years ago

Many app developers use chalk and colour, support those interfaces for drop-in replacement.

Also clarify how ascii-art supports block formatting without formatter wrapping (showing mangled examples from other popular libs).

khrome commented 7 years ago

Now supports chalk.

luiguild commented 4 years ago

how to use chalk on output image? it's possible?

khrome commented 4 years ago

chalk only supports images insofar as you manually iterate through and apply style code (which is probably not what you want). Chalk is designed for simple string output and the interface adapter ascii-art has supports only those use cases. But because the image output is a string it is possible, just probably not desirable. I would urge you to check out the already released submodules (which make up the rebuild of ascii-art, that I'm currently finalizing for release in the next week) at ascii-art-image and ascii-art-ansi if you need more features than 1.x provides!