khval / utf8_library

Utf8_library for AmigaOS, unicode8 is a standard for sharing text on the internet and on storage medias. Unicode does not need codepage, instead it compresses the glyph values.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
6 stars 1 forks source link


This library is for AmigaOS4.1 FE

I have open sourced it, so more eyes can look at the code, to make sure its bug free, and contribute to it, if there anything might be useful.

It’s under LGPL so if your making changes your supposed to contribute your changes back, you can distribute library. LGPL was choosen so you distribute with your commercial game or program.

It can be rewritten for AROS, MorphOS, older AmigaOS 3.x.

I’m rewetting some parts to make it more portable, but I don’t wont to waste time on ports to other operating systems, so if anyone is interested the last mile you need to take it.

The aim of this library is to provide similar features to standard functions in graphic library, This makes it easy to update your custom gui’s to use UTF8 standard. The library also allows you step glyphs one by one, merge, copy, cut utf8 strings. Its shared Amiga library, keeps you binaries small, and memory usage low. Alternatives are always sterically linked.

The library also adopts the idea that strings might be shared or private, this is not common for strings. (It basically allows you to memory protect strings, but this only works for single treaded applications. (MorphOS and AmigaOS3.x can’t do that.))

Don’t mix malloc strings with utf8 strings using AllocVecTags(...).