kiTcuT-Nussi / whatsapp_chat_analyzer

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Whatsapp Chat Analyzer

Have you ever wondered who is the nastiest in the group chat? Which member posts the most? Who takes the longest to reply?

I created this project for learning by doing. Its sole purpose is to write my own parser and to learn the basics of data mining and data analytics. I went through several experiments for optimazations, performance increase and parsing issues (god damn you invisible characters!). Interesting statistics, visualizations and insights can be gained from the analyzed chat messages.

Feedback is very welcome - I love to improve myself!

Key Features


After pulling use conda install -n MYENV --file environment.yml to install the environment and its packages (PIP version may coming soon :)).

If you want to run NLP you need to install Spacey language packages:


You need to export your chat via Whatsapp. Go to Settings > Chat > export chat. Transfer the exported .txt file to you device and adapt the path in the jupyter-notebook.