Venno is a way for friends to keep a ledger of financial transactions between each other without needing to immediately pay and receive money every time. Think of it like opening a tab with your buddy. They got dinner last weekend, you bought drinks at the game, and you'll owe them for the wedding on Saturday. Whatever, they know you're good for it.
The Minimum Viable Product should be a well-planned, easily-communicated product, ensuring that the client's deliverable will be achievable and meet specifications within the time frame estimated.
The Project Title MVP will allow users to create and access an account, start ledgers with other users, submit transactions, and settle their ledgers. No money at this point, just an honor system.
Library | Description |
React | Frontend components and storing state. |
React Router | Frontend routing among different screens. |
Ruby | Backend logic. |
Rails | Backend database setup and schema/model framework. |
Use the Wireframes section to display desktop, tablet and mobile views. No hand-drawn wireframes. Use a tool like, Whimsical or AdobeXD
|__ assets/
|__ fonts
|__ graphics
|__ images
|__ layouts/
|__ Layout.jsx
|__ components/
|__ Ledgers.jsx
|__ LedgerDetail.jsx
|__ TxnCard.jsx
|__ screens/
|__ MainLanding.jsx
|__ UserLanding.jsx
|__ SignIn.jsx
|__ SignUp.jsx
|__ NewTxn.jsx
|__ FindFriend.jsx
|__ utils/
|__ searchFriends.jsx
|__ services/
|__ api-config.jsx
|__ auth.jsx
|__ ledgers.jsx
|__ txns.jsx
Use this section to estimate the time necessary to build out each of the components you've described above.
Task | Priority | Estimated Time | Time Invested | Actual Time |
Proposal/approval | H | 3 hrs | 3 hrs | 3 hrs |
Create backend and seed | H | 1 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Build CRUD functionality | H | 4 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Test API endpoints | H | 1 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Build auth functionality | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Create React app | H | 1 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Test frontend API functionality | H | 1 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Home screen | H | 3 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Signin/signup screens | H | 3 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Ledgers component | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Ledger detail component | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
User landing screen | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
New transaction screen | H | 2 hrs | hrs | hrs |
Find friend screen | H | 3 hrs | hrs | hrs |
CSS styling | H | 6 hrs | hrs | hrs |
TOTAL | 36 hrs | 3 hrs | TBD |
Coming soon
Coming soon