kibble-cabal / godot-rive

An integration of Rive into Godot 4 using GDExtension
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Rive render opensource #15

Open PluckyDuck99 opened 3 months ago

PluckyDuck99 commented 3 months ago

Now that Rive Render is open-source, do you have plans to integrate with it? I would really like to work on a project using Rive and Godot. Currently, they don't have official support, but your library does a great job. It would be great if you could port it to their Render, which reportedly has excellent performance according to them. Rive Renderer

audse commented 3 months ago

@PluckyDuck99 Yes, there is definitely plans in the works to integrate/replace Skia with Rive Renderer. No timeline yet, but hopefully within the next few weeks.

PluckyDuck99 commented 3 months ago

They are recruiting developers to improve runtimes in some engines, Unity, Unreal, among others. Could you offer to help/work them in development? It would be amazing now to be able to use vectors in games with good performance thanks to the renderer. From what I've read, they also intend to delve into Godot officially.

TranquilMarmot commented 2 months ago

😅 I beg them for official Godot support every time I see them mention Unity or Unreal