Least-Recently-Used and First-In-First-Out caches for Client or Server.
import { Lru, Fifo } from 'toad-cache'
const lruCache = new Lru(max, ttl = 0)
const fifoCache = new Fifo(max, ttl = 0)
Clears the contents of the cache
Removes item from cache
param {String} key Item key
Removes items from cache
param {String[]} keys Item keys
cache.deleteMany(['myKey', 'myKey2'])
Evicts the least recently used item from cache
Gets expiration time for cached item
param {String} key Item key
return {Mixed} Undefined or number (epoch time)
const item = cache.expiresAt('myKey')
Item in "first" or "bottom" position
const cache = new Lru()
cache.first // null - it's a new cache!
Gets cached item and marks it as recently used (pushes to the back of the list of the candidates for the eviction)
param {String} key Item key
return {Mixed} Undefined or Item value
const item = cache.get('myKey')
Gets multiple cached items and marks them as recently used (pushes to the back of the list of the candidates for the eviction)
param {String[]} keys Item keys
return {Mixed[]} Undefined or Item values
const item = cache.getMany(['myKey', 'myKey2'])
Returns an Array
of cache item keys.
return {Array} Array of keys
Max items to hold in cache (1000)
const cache = new Lru(500)
cache.max // 500
Item in "last" or "top" position
const cache = new Lru()
cache.last // null - it's a new cache!
Sets item in cache as first
param {String} key Item key
param {Mixed} value Item value
cache.set('myKey', { prop: true })
Number of items in cache
const cache = new Lru()
cache.size // 0 - it's a new cache!
Milliseconds an item will remain in cache; lazy expiration upon next get()
of an item
const cache = new Lru()
cache.ttl = 3e4
In case you want to gather information on cache hit/miss/expiration ratio, as well as cache size and eviction statistics, you can use LruHitStatistics class:
const sharedRecord = new HitStatisticsRecord() // if you want to use single record object for all of caches, create it manually and pass to each cache
const cache = new LruHitStatistics({
cacheId: 'some-cache-id',
globalStatisticsRecord: sharedRecord,
statisticTtlInHours: 24, // how often to reset statistics. On every rotation previously accumulated data is removed
max: 1000,
ttlInMsecs: 0,
You can retrieve accumulated statistics from the cache, or from the record directly:
// this is the same
const statistics = sharedRecord.getStatistics()
const alsoStatistics = cache.getStatistics()
'some-cache-id': {
'2023-04-06': {
cacheSize: 100, // how many elements does cache currently have
evictions: 5, // how many elements were evicted due to cache being at max capacity
expirations: 0, // how many elements were removed during get due to their ttl being exceeded
hits: 0, // how many times element was successfully retrieved from cache during get
emptyHits: 0, // out of all hits, how many were null, undefined or ''?
falsyHits: 0, // out of all hits, how many were falsy?
misses: 1, // how many times element was not in cache or expired during get
invalidateOne: 1, // how many times element was invalidated individually
invalidateAll: 2, // how many times entire cache was invalidated
sets: 0, // how many times new element was added
Note that date here reflects start of the rotation. If statistics weren't rotated yet, and another day started, it will still be counted against the day of the rotation start
Copyright (c) 2023 Igor Savin
Based on tiny-lru, created by Jason Mulligan
Licensed under the MIT license.