kichikuou / xsystem35-sdl2

Multi-platform implementation of AliceSoft's System3.x game engine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
57 stars 8 forks source link


This is a multi-platform port of xsystem35, a free implementation of AliceSoft's System 3.x game engine.


See the game compatibility table for a list of games that can be played with xsystem35-sdl2.

Unique Features

In addition to the original System 3.x functionalities, xsystem35-sdl2 offers the following features:

Playing Audio Files as Virtual CD Music

Many System 3.x games feature music as audio tracks on the CD-ROM. xsystem35 can play music from audio files, eliminating the need to insert CDs. To use ripped audio files, create a file named playlist.txt in the game directory and list the paths to your tracks, one per line. For example:

# The first line is not used

The first line is not used because the first track on a game CD is typically a data track.

Some games have integrated music as MIDI. In such cases, the music won't play using the virtual CD feature. If you encounter a Cannot load MIDI error message, you might need to set the SDL_SOUNDFONTS environment variable to point to an .sf2 file. For example:

SDL_SOUNDFONTS=/usr/share/soundfonts/GeneralUser.sf2 xsystem35

Unicode Translation Support

While the original System 3.x only supported Shift_JIS (a Japanese character encoding), xsystem35 supports Unicode and can run games translated into languages other than Japanese and English.

For instructions on how to build a game with Unicode support, see the xsys35c documentation.


xsystem35 features a built-in debugger that allows you to step through the game and examine or modify game variables. There are two ways to use the debugger:


Prebuilt packages for Windows and Android can be downloaded from the Releases page. For other platforms, refer to the Building section.



Copy xsystem35.exe to the game folder and run it.


See android/

Other Platforms

Run xsystem35 from within the game directory.

$ cd /path/to/game_directory
$ xsystem35

See xsystem35 command manual for detailed usage.


Linux (Debian / Ubuntu)

$ sudo apt install build-essential cmake libgtk-3-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libwebp-dev libcjson-dev asciidoctor
$ mkdir -p out/debug
$ cd out/debug
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../
$ make && make install


Homebrew is required.

$ brew install cmake pkg-config sdl2 sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf webp cjson asciidoctor
$ mkdir -p out/debug
$ cd out/debug
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../
$ make && make install


MSYS2 is required.

$ pacman -S cmake mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-SDL2_ttf mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-SDL2_mixer mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-libwebp mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-cjson
$ mkdir -p out/debug
$ cd out/debug
$ cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../
$ make


$ mkdir -p out/wasm
$ cd out/wasm
$ emcmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel ../../
$ make

To use the generated binary, check out Kichikuou on Web and copy out/xsystem35.* into its docs directory.


See android/