kidanger / vpv

Image viewer for image processing experts
GNU General Public License v3.0
122 stars 17 forks source link
image image-processing image-viewer svg video video-viewer viewer


Image viewer designed for image processing experts.


(denoising results from @pariasm)


(gif from @tinankh)


Branch Github Actions (MacOS) Wookpecker (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Archlinux)
master CI Build Status
dev CI Build Status

Requires cmake, SDL2, libpng, libjpeg and libtiff (with their headers). The repository embeds many dependencies, see the folder external/.

On Ubuntu

sudo apt install g++ cmake libsdl2-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjpeg-dev

On MacOS

brew install cmake sdl2 libpng libtiff libjpeg
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# change your PATH environnement variable so that the folder build/ is used
# or install the binary 'vpv' system-wide using the following command:
sudo make install


Sequence: ordered collection of images.

Window: zone to display one or more sequences. If multiple sequences are attached to a window, 'space' and 'backspace' are use to cycle between them.

View: indicate the portion of the image to display. Contains a center position and a zoom factor.

Player: indicate which image in the sequence should be displayed. Contains a few other parameters (check out the player GUI to see what it can do).

Colormap: transformation of the pixels of an image. Contains contrast/brightness (scale/bias) parameters (output=scale*pixel+bias) and a shader (to display optical flow, greyscale or color images).

By combining these concepts, vpv becomes a very convenient image/video viewer.

For example, if two sequences share the same view, the same window and the same player, you can visualize the differences between two videos by flipping between them (using 'space').

If you want to see both of them at the same time, attach the two sequences to different windows, and vpv will show them side by side, still keeping the view and timing synchronized.

If the images of multiple sequences don't have the same intensities (one between 0-255 and one between 0-1 for example), you can use two Colormap objects. They automatically adjust their parameters to normalize the image and fit its number of channels.

Command line arguments

Sequences can be specified either by escaped globbing (e.g. directory/myimages\\*.png) or by a single image (in this case, it will be a one image sequence). If the argument is a directory, a sequence containing every files of the directory is created.

nw, nv, np, nc are used as arguments to respectively create a new window, view, player or colormap for the following sequence. aw, av, ap, ac toggle the automatic creation of objects for each following sequences (for example, 1.png nw 2.png nw 3.png x.png is equivalent to aw 1.png 2.png 3.png aw x.png). Note that aw is enabled by default which means that every sequences will be opened in a different window.

Display two sequences side by side:

vpv input_\*.png output_\*.png

Assuming results/ contains subdirectory such as results/noise=1/, results/noise=2/, ... with images in them, the following command will display these sequences and the groundtruth in different windows:

vpv results/*/ groundtruth/

Display every images of the directory in the same window ('space' can be used to cycle through them):

vpv aw *.jpg


Press h to show the help window which describes every shortcuts.

Here is a non exhaustive list:


Despite its name, vpv cannot open video files. Use ffmpeg to split a video into individual frames. This may change in the future.

In order to be reactive during video playback, the frames are loaded in advance by a thread and put to cache. The cache has a default memory limit of 2GB. Change it using the setting 'CACHE_LIMIT="XGB"' in your vpvrc. On Linux, you can also set 'CACHE_LIMIT="50%"' to use at max 50% of the available RAM at startup. To automatically invalidate the cache when a file is changed on disk, a filesystem watcher can be enabled using the environment variable 'WATCH' (env WATCH=1 vpv [args]). F11 can also be used to flush the cache manually.

Similarly to the previous remark, the globbing expansion is only done at startup. If new images are saved to disk, vpv won't see them (except if you update the globbing in the sequence GUI).

Related projects

pvflip (vpv is heavily inspired by pvflip)



This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license. Files under the repository external are distributed under their respective licenses.