kids-first / kf-persona

kids-first persona implementation
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Kids First Portal

:smiley: kf-persona

A user profile & identity management microservice.

This project was initially imported from but has diverted from it.

:nut_and_bolt: Development

Prerequisite(s) are:

:pencil2: Environment Variables

You need to create and .env file containing the environment variables needed. You can have a look at the examples in the schema file. For instance,

:runner: Running the service

To spin up persona server AND a local mongodb, simply do:

docker-compose up

If you only want to spin up persona alone

docker run --rm -it -u node -v ${PWD}:/app --workdir /app node:18.8-apline3.15 bash
# in the terminal
npm run <dev|start|...>

If you need to access mongodb shell (presuming that the container exists) do:

# Find mongo's container ID (suppose it is 59ee...)
docker exec -it 59ee bash
# In the terminal
root@59ee31cb61bf:/# mongosh
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6308f283661b1233ed4ffec1
Connecting to:      mongodb://
Using MongoDB:      5.0.2
Using Mongosh:      1.0.5

    ...omitted message display...

test> show dbs;
admin     41 kB
config  61.4 kB
dev     12.3 kB
local   73.7 kB

:hammer: Building the project

# Build the service (no DB)
docker build -t persona .

# Run the service
docker run -it -p 3232:3232 --rm persona
# At this point, you should see the server message. If so, fire up another terminal and do
curl localhost:3232/status

# Cleanup
- exit the container (CTRL-C)
- docker rmi persona:latest