kidsneuro-lab / RNA_splice_tool

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The goal of cortar is to extract reads at the exon-intron junction from RNA-seq and report the proportion of splicing events across each intron. By comparing these values to controls, deviations from normal splicing can be characterised in test samples.


You can install the development version of cortar from GitHub with:

#install dependencies
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


# install.packages("devtools")

cortar was built in R 4.1.3


#load cortar library

#run test dataset in directory (defaults to current working directory)

#check <directory>/cortar_test/output for reports


To use cortar, a samplefile needs to be created for each run. This file contains six tab separated columns and a row for each sample (as shown below):

#> sampleID    familyID   sampletype   genes      transcript       bamfile
#> proband_1   1      test         DMD        NM_004006    Z:/path/to/bamfile/proband_1.bam
#> proband_2   2      test         TTN    NM_001267550     Z:/path/to/bamfile/proband_2.bam
#> proband_3   3      test         CFTR   NM_000492    Z:/path/to/bamfile/proband_3.bam
#> proband_4   4      test         NF1    NM_001042492     Z:/path/to/bamfile/proband_4.bam
#> mother_4    4               NF1    NM_001042492     Z:/path/to/bamfile/mother_4.bam
#> proband_5   5      test         COL2A1     NM_001844    Z:/path/to/bamfile/proband_5.bam

Please note. By default cortar will not compare any samples with the same gene/transcript to avoid comparing samples where the same gene is affected. For control samples, put another valid gene name and transcript number in the appropriate columns. This will be addressed in an upcoming fix.

After creating a samplefile, cortar can be run using the cortar() function as follows:

  file = "path/to/cortar_samplefile.tsv",
  mode = "default" or "panel" or "research",
  assembly = "hg38" or "hg19",
  annotation = "UCSC" or "1000genomes",
  paired = TRUE or FALSE,
  stranded = 0 or 1 or 2,
  output_dir = "path/to/output/directory",
  genelist = NULL or c("gene1", "gene2", etc)

Multiple cortar samplefiles can be run in sequence with the cortar_batch() function, substituting a path to a folder of samplefiles for the file argument.


To subset bamfiles to use with cortar, copy the contents of inst/ to the folder containing .cram files to be subsetted.

Prepare cramfile.txt:

  1. Remove the contents of cramfiles_example.txt and replace with the paths/names of the .cram files to be subsetted.
  2. Rename cramfiles_example.txt to cramfiles.txt

Prepare script:

  1. Run subsetBamfiles() in R using a character vector of genes of interest and the assembly as arguments. For example:
    #Get gene coordinates for subsetting script
    subsetBamfiles(c("DMD","TTN","COL1A1"), 38)

> "''chr17:50183101-50202632'' ''chr2:178524989-178831802'' ''chr7:117286120-117716971''"

2. Copy the output from `subsetBamfiles()` to the position in marked with `#replace this tag with gene coordinates#`.
Exclude the double quotation marks.
3. Add the path to the reference `.fasta` file used for alignment of the RNA-seq data to the position in marked with
`#replace this tag with the reference .fasta#`. Do not include quotation marks
4. Add the directory into which the final subsetted files should be saved to the position in marked with `#replace
this tag with the path/to/destination/directory#`. Ensure not to remove the double quotation marks.

#### Final steps:
1. Ensure samtools is installed and on the PATH.
2. Run script.
3. Update cortar samplefile with subsetted `.bam` file paths

Greater automation of the subsetting process is planned for future versions of cortar.