kieferk / pymssa

Python implementation of Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA)
MIT License
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pymssa Readme and User Guide

The pymssa package implements Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis in python. As of the time of this writing, I am not aware of any other implementation in python of multivariate SSA, though there are packages and implementations of univariate SSA. R on the other hand has the extremely comprehensive Rssa package for performing MSSA and its variants.

This is definitely not as comprehensive as the Rssa package (which I believe is maintained by the creator of SSA), but it implements the fundamental components of MSSA. As of the time of this writing, the MSSA class features:

pymssa Uses numba-optimized Functions (where possible)

While the MSSA class provides the main interface to the MSSA algorithm and tools, you will notice if you look through the code that the majority of the actual functions and math are imported from the optimized submodule. MSSA can be pretty slow and memory intensive, especially if you are dealing with large timeseries data. Where possible, I've converted the operations to numba-compiled functions that significantly speed up the algorithm. I've also tried to organize the loops, initializations, and intermediary steps in such a way that will minimize the memory required.

With a large enough dataset you will still run into problems, particularly for the SVD steps and reconstruction of components steps, despite the optimizations. At a certain point I'm not sure if there are ways around this or if you just need a bigger computer. I am not a code optimization expert, so any contributions that help with this are more than welcome! See the Contributing section for more ideas if you're interested in adding to this package.

Demo of MSSA on Austrailian Wine Dataset

To demonstrate the features of the MSSA class, and provide a general walkthrough of the steps involved in a standard multivariate singular spectrum analysis, I will load an example dataset that comes packaged with the Rssa R package.

This data has 7 timeseries and 187 observations (some of which are null values). It is monthly data spanning from 1980 to 1995, and tracks sales of Austrailian wine. The columns are types of wine, including:

You can see the header of this dataset below.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
wine_raw = pd.read_csv('wine.csv').iloc[:,1:]
wine = wine_raw[['Total','Drywhite','Fortified','Red','Rose','Sparkling','Sweetwhite']]
date_index = pd.date_range(start='1/1/1980', periods=wine.shape[0], freq='M')
wine.index = date_index
Total Drywhite Fortified Red Rose Sparkling Sweetwhite
1980-01-31 15136.0 1954 2585 464 112.0 1686 85
1980-02-29 16733.0 2302 3368 675 118.0 1591 89
1980-03-31 20016.0 3054 3210 703 129.0 2304 109
1980-04-30 17708.0 2414 3111 887 99.0 1712 95
1980-05-31 18019.0 2226 3756 1139 116.0 1471 91

A Brief Note on the Math and Algorithms in MSSA

I've chosen not to cover the math behind MSSA in this demo. There are many resources online and I would prefer this user guide to focus on the usage and implementation of MSSA in this package. However, for those in need of a reference there are two resources in particular that I think are very informative:

Centering and Splitting the Data

In order to validate the forecasting we will do at the end, I am going to split the wine data into training and testing. I've chosen to leave off 48 months, or 4 years of wine sales data, to serve as my holdout test set for validation.

There are some null values in the dataset, but they all happen to occur in the most recent 48 months, which we are leaving off for testing. This is nice since we only need to worry about null values in the training set. They are fine to occur in the testing set, we will just have fewer values in some cases to calculate our performance metric.

tp = 48

wine_tr = wine.iloc[:-tp]
wine_te = wine.iloc[-tp:]

I'm also going to center the data. If you do not center the data then the first component is just going to end up being the offset that centers the reconstruction anyway. There is no reason not to just deal with it prior to the decomposition.

Note: you may also choose to standardize the data by also dividing by the standard deviation. I've chosen not to do this here just to keep things on their original scale, but standardization is a good preprocessing step to do prior to decomposition to ensure that the contribution of variance by each timeseries is on equal ground.

tr_means = np.nanmean(wine_tr, axis=0)
wine_tr = wine_tr - tr_means
wine_te = wine_te - tr_means

Fitting with MSSA

Now we can instantiate the MSSA object and fit to the training data. There are a handful of instantiation arguments that we will cover incrementally over the course of this demo. They are:

The only option that I will not be covering in the demo is varimax, which is designed to perform a structured varimax on the left singular values after decomposition to "sparsify" the components. This is experimental and I'm not totally confident its doing what its supposed to yet, so I am going to leave it out of this demo for now.

from pymssa import MSSA
/Users/kieferkatovich/.virtualenvs/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tqdm/autonotebook/ TqdmExperimentalWarning: Using `tqdm.autonotebook.tqdm` in notebook mode. Use `tqdm.tqdm` instead to force console mode (e.g. in jupyter console)
  " (e.g. in jupyter console)", TqdmExperimentalWarning)

I'll instantiate the MSSA object with n_components=None and window_size=None. This will set the number of components to be the maximum number of components, and the window size to be the maximum window size.

n_components works the same as this option in scikit-learn's decomposition functions when the values are either None or an integer. As None, the maximum number will be selected, and as an integer only that number of components will be selected. There are also some other options for this argument to automate the selection of components that I will cover later in the demo.

mssa = MSSA(n_components=None,

What does window_size do?

The window_size argument controls the shape of the "trajectory matrix" that is created out of each timeseries. Prior to singular value decomposition, the MSSA algorithm goes through these steps:

  1. Convert each timeseries vector of length N to a trajectory matrix of shape (L, K), where L is the window size and K = N - L + 1.
  2. Stack the trajectory matrices vertically.
  3. Compute S = X X.T, where X is the vertically-stacked trajectory matrices.
  4. Perform SVD on the matrix S.

The idea of the trajectory matrix is to convert a timeseries vector into a matrix of incremental "windows" over the timeseries. This is what allows MSSA/SSA to capture signal in timeseries better than PCA would.

Imagine we have a timeseries vector of increasing numbers:

ts = np.arange(30)
array([ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
       17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29])

To convert ts to the trajectory matrix, we specify a window size and then take the transposition of the hankel matrix of this timeseries.

window = 5
trajmat = scipy.linalg.hankel(ts, np.zeros(window)).T
trajmat = trajmat[:, :(30 - window + 1)]
array([[ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9., 10., 11., 12.,
        13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25.],
       [ 1.,  2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9., 10., 11., 12., 13.,
        14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26.],
       [ 2.,  3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14.,
        15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27.],
       [ 3.,  4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15.,
        16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27., 28.],
       [ 4.,  5.,  6.,  7.,  8.,  9., 10., 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16.,
        17., 18., 19., 20., 21., 22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27., 28., 29.]])

You can see that the trajectory matrix has 5 rows (window length 5). Each column represents a window of width 5 moving across the timeseries one at a time until the end of the timeseries is reached. You can see this clearer looking at just the first 5 columns.

trajmat[:, :5]
array([[0., 1., 2., 3., 4.],
       [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.],
       [2., 3., 4., 5., 6.],
       [3., 4., 5., 6., 7.],
       [4., 5., 6., 7., 8.]])

How to pick the window_size

There is unfortunately not an easy answer for picking the window size, or consensus on methodology for choosing one automatically. The general recommendation seems to be either:

There are some other more advanced methods not yet implemented in this package, like "Sequential SSA", which decomposes the timeseries at different window lengths to pull out different frequencies of signal, then combines the results. Something like that may become available in a future update.

Fit on training

With mssa instantiated, just use the fit function to fit the decomposition on the training data.
Constructing trajectory matrix
Trajectory matrix shape: (483, 71)
Decomposing trajectory covariance matrix with SVD
Constructing components
Calculating optimal reconstruction orders

<pymssa.mssa.MSSA at 0x128c20a58>

Since verbose=True you can see the steps taken in the fit procedure. For this small dataset the steps are nearly instantaneous. With larger datasets the steps can often take much longer, even with the numba optimizations in place.

In this case the fit function carries out these steps:

  1. Construct the trajectory matrix.
  2. Decompose with SVD
  3. Construct the components
    • This is a two-step process. First create the "elementary matrices". These are the same shape as the trajectory matrix recreated from each of the left singular vectors. For each elementary matrix, reverse the hankelization back into a timeseries vector using a process called "diagonal averaging".
  4. Calculate the optimal component ordering per timeseries. This calculates the ranking of how well each component explains the variance of the original timeseries (more on this later).

Attributes available after running fit

Once the decomposition completes, you now have access to a variety of attributes on the object.

The .components_ attribute

Likely the result of most interest to you will be the reconstructed components available in the .component_ attribute. As mentioned above, this is a matrix with dimensions (P, N, components), where P is the number of input timeseries columns, N the number of observations, and rank the number of components output.

We can see for example what the first 10 components look like for Red wine, which is timeseries index 3.

red_idx = 3

for comp in range(10):  
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 7))
    ax.plot(wine_tr.index, wine_tr.iloc[:, red_idx].values, lw=3, alpha=0.2, c='k', label=wine_tr.columns[red_idx])
    ax.plot(wine_tr.index, mssa.components_[red_idx, :, comp], lw=3, c='steelblue', alpha=0.8, label='component={}'.format(comp))











The components you get out of MSSA are additive in the sense that they will add back up to the original series. Each component may account for more or less variance of a given timeseries, though typically the first components will account for more variance than later components (the actual order of which components account for most variance per timeseries can be found in component_ranks_).

We can overlay the cumulative sum of the components as we iterate through to show how the original timeseries gets incrementally better reconstructed.

red_idx = 3

cumulative_recon = np.zeros_like(wine_tr.iloc[:, red_idx].values)

for comp in range(10):  
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 7))
    current_component = mssa.components_[red_idx, :, comp]
    cumulative_recon = cumulative_recon + current_component

    ax.plot(wine_tr.index, wine_tr.iloc[:, red_idx].values, lw=3, alpha=0.2, c='k', label=wine_tr.columns[red_idx])
    ax.plot(wine_tr.index, cumulative_recon, lw=3, c='darkgoldenrod', alpha=0.6, label='cumulative'.format(comp))
    ax.plot(wine_tr.index, current_component, lw=3, c='steelblue', alpha=0.8, label='component={}'.format(comp))












component_ranks_ and component_ranks_explained_variance_

While the components corresponding to more variance explained for each timeseries are more likely to be in the first components than later components, the "optimal" order is not necessarily the same for each fit timeseries. For example, component 0 may explain the most variance out of all components for for timeseries 1, but component 3 may explain the most for timeseries 2.

You can access the ranks of components for each timeseries from the component_ranks_ attribute. These ranks are calculated by ordering, for each timeseries, which components contribute the most variance explained. The matrix is shape (n_components, P), where P is the number of timeseries.

array([[ 0,  2,  2,  7,  4,  2,  7],
       [ 1,  3,  3,  4,  7,  3,  4],
       [ 2,  0,  7,  2,  2,  5,  5],
       [ 3,  1,  4,  3,  3,  6,  2],
       [ 7, 10,  5,  5,  5,  1,  3],
       [ 5,  8,  0,  0,  1,  0, 40],
       [ 6,  5,  1,  1, 11,  7,  6],
       [ 9,  9,  6,  6, 10,  8,  1],
       [ 8,  7, 10, 10,  0,  9,  0],
       [10, 11, 11,  9,  8, 12, 43]])

This can be useful information for choosing the fewest number of components to represent a timeseries. The percent variance explained corresponding to these rank-ordered components can be found in the matrix component_ranks_explained_variance_.

array([[0.26045081, 0.21919537, 0.35459922, 0.28545308, 0.14046339,
        0.34817996, 0.40736866],
       [0.23162594, 0.19275432, 0.32554651, 0.30426961, 0.24542234,
        0.3285993 , 0.37937524],
       [0.17795832, 0.1915787 , 0.14050118, 0.22456398, 0.13143347,
        0.10534724, 0.19917416],
       [0.1253255 , 0.15783665, 0.11418616, 0.22094286, 0.09371774,
        0.11122531, 0.13946752],
       [0.10977598, 0.05959656, 0.079169  , 0.12709454, 0.09939592,
        0.13692711, 0.06289897],
       [0.10959075, 0.05598635, 0.09753181, 0.07397155, 0.06880002,
        0.13704857, 0.0282961 ],
       [0.06945603, 0.06800126, 0.09194293, 0.04791   , 0.04254097,
        0.03483447, 0.03898104],
       [0.061113  , 0.0534627 , 0.04502527, 0.02556937, 0.04279967,
        0.04335638, 0.03505324],
       [0.06073834, 0.04613676, 0.02186256, 0.01485315, 0.06691956,
        0.04249523, 0.03799466],
       [0.04049725, 0.05266465, 0.01902912, 0.02494359, 0.03443147,
        0.02295795, 0.01627967]])

The w-correlation matrix

The w-correlation is a common metric used in SSA for measuring the correlation between components. Due to the fact that SVD is performed on trajectory matrices and then the reconstruction is done by converting the reconstructed trajectory matrices (elementary matrices) back into timeseries vectors via diagonal averaging, the reconstructed timeseries are not guaranteed to be orthogonal. There is a good chance that some timeseries components are highly correlated and should be "grouped" together (via adding together).

The w-correlation is a weighted correlation that takes into account the fact that some timepoints appear more frequently in the trajectory matrix than others. For example, timepoint 1 will only appear once in the trajectory matrix, while others in the middle of a timeseries can appear up to window-size L times.

You can diagnose what components you would like to group together as well as how many you should keep by calculating and plotting the w-correlation matrix. Below I'll plot out the w-correlation matrix for "Total" (timeseries 0). The function w_correlation will give back the w-correlation matrix between components for a provided (N, n_components) reconstruction matrix.

total_comps = mssa.components_[0, :, :]
(139, 71)
total_wcorr = mssa.w_correlation(total_comps)
total_wcorr_abs = np.abs(total_wcorr)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))
sns.heatmap(np.abs(total_wcorr_abs), cmap='coolwarm', ax=ax)
ax.set_title('{} component w-correlations'.format(wine_tr.columns[0]))
Text(0.5,1,'Total component w-correlations')


In general you will want to group together components that are highly correlated with each other (done via the absolute value of w-correlation!). Components that have correlations with many other components are often deemed noise components and discarded.

In the plot above, we can see that there are maybe 11 groups of components before the components start to have "messy" correlation with the others. Grouping by looking at the w-correlation can be more of an art than a science. You may also choose to use some kindo of clustering algorithm providing the precomputed w-correlation matrix if you prefer a more algorithmic solution to grouping.

Below I put what I deem are the non-noise groupings in a list of lists, where each sub-list contains indicies of the components in a particular group.

# Groups for TS0, "Total"
ts0_groups = [

Assigning and accessing component groupings

After fitting the MSSA, there is an attribute labeled component_groups_ that is a dictionary with timeseries indices as keys and a list of component indices as values. Initially, this defaults to having all components for each timeseries and each component in their own individual group.

You can manually set new groupings for a timeseries with one of two functions:

The function set_ts_component_groups takes two arguments, the timeseries index and a list of lists specifying the groupings. We can use the list I made above to set the new groups for timeseries 0.

mssa.set_ts_component_groups(0, ts0_groups)
[[0, 1],
 [2, 3],
 [5, 6],
 [8, 9],
 [10, 11],
 [13, 14],
 [15, 16],
 [17, 18, 19, 20]]

Now we have set specific groups of components for timeseries 0. The set_component_groups function alternatively takes a dictionary of timeseries index keys and values of lists of lists for group indices if you want to set multiple timeseries groupings at once (or just prefer to do it with a dictionary).

The attribute grouped_components_ generates component matrices that follow the specifications laid out in the component_groups_ dictionary. If we now access timeseries index 0 of grouped_components_, you can see that the matrix has 11 components which are created by adding together the components we specified in our groups.

ts0_grouped = mssa.grouped_components_[0]
(139, 11)

We can look at the w-correlation for the grouped components to validate that we have removed most of the correlation between components by grouping.

ts0_grouped_wcor = mssa.w_correlation(ts0_grouped)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9))
sns.heatmap(np.abs(ts0_grouped_wcor), cmap='coolwarm', ax=ax)
ax.set_title('{} grouped component w-correlations'.format(wine_tr.columns[0]))
Text(0.5,1,'Total grouped component w-correlations')


Automatic selection of n_components

During the instantiation of the MSSA object there are also some options for the n_components argument that allow for different methods of automatic number of component selection. This can be useful if you don't have an idea how many components should be kept, but dont want to compute the entire matrices of components for each timeseries due to time or space constraints.

The available options are:

Below I'll compare the number of components kept using each of these strategies.

mssa = MSSA(n_components='svht',
Constructing trajectory matrix
Trajectory matrix shape: (483, 71)
Decomposing trajectory covariance matrix with SVD
Reduced rank to 13 according to SVHT threshold
Constructing components
Calculating optimal reconstruction orders
(7, 139, 13)
mssa = MSSA(n_components='variance_threshold',
Constructing trajectory matrix
Trajectory matrix shape: (483, 71)
Decomposing trajectory covariance matrix with SVD
Reduced rank to 20 according to variance explained threshold
Constructing components
Calculating optimal reconstruction orders
(7, 139, 20)
mssa = MSSA(n_components='parallel_analysis',
Constructing trajectory matrix
Trajectory matrix shape: (483, 71)
Decomposing trajectory covariance matrix with SVD
Performing parallel analysis to determine optimal rank

HBox(children=(IntProgress(value=0), HTML(value='')))

Rank selected via parallel analysis: 8
Constructing components
Calculating optimal reconstruction orders
(7, 139, 8)

We can see that (using the default settings), parallel analysis is the most conservative, variance explained thresholding is the least conservative, and svht falls somewhere in between on the more conservative side.

Note that the components retained will not be in any way different than the components you would get out without a thresholding strategy. This just removes what it deems are the "noise" components.

Forecasting with MSSA

Lastly we can also perform forecasts using the forecast function. This function takes these arguments:

I will use the last mssa object I fit that used parallel analysis thresholding, and forecast out the testing indices we set up awhile back using all the components. Normally you would want to select a smaller set of components, but since we have already used some stringent thresholding during the fitting procedure we can just use all the remaining components for the forecast and not have to worry as much about overfitting issues.

wine_c = wine - tr_means

for ts_index in range(wine_c.shape[1]):
    tr = np.zeros(wine_c.shape[0])
    tr[:] = np.nan

    te = np.copy(tr)

    tr[:-tp] = mssa.components_[ts_index, :, :].sum(axis=1)
    fc = mssa.forecast(tp, timeseries_indices=ts_index)

    ytrue = wine_te.iloc[:, ts_index].values
    yhat = fc.ravel()[~pd.isnull(ytrue)]
    ytrue = ytrue[~pd.isnull(ytrue)]

    r2 = r2_score(ytrue, yhat)
    te[-tp:] = fc

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(18, 7))
    ax.plot(wine_c.index, wine_c.iloc[:, ts_index].values, lw=3, alpha=0.2, c='k', label=wine_c.columns[ts_index])
    ax.plot(wine_c.index, tr, lw=2, c='steelblue', alpha=0.75, label='Train')
    ax.plot(wine_c.index, te, lw=2, c='darkgoldenrod', label='Forecast')
    ax.set_title('Forecast R2: {:.3f}'.format(r2))








Contributing & TODO

All contributions are more than welcome to the pymssa package! There is still a ton of things that can be added to make this a more comprehensive MSSA package; I've really only scratched the surface here. I am also not an MSSA expert, so if you are I would welcome any feedback, corrections, etc. that you may have.

Here is a list of some things that come to mind that are not part of this package yet but that could definitely be added, if you are looking for ideas: