kieranjol / IFIscripts

Detailed documentation is available here:
MIT License
50 stars 32 forks source link
batch-processing dcp digital-preservation ffv1 manifest metadata premis tiff-files transcode

================= This repo is now archived as is no longer maintained. The maintained, live repo is at Full documentation at: -

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These scriptsfacilitate collections management workflows within the IFI Irish Film Archive. These scripts have been tested in OSX, Windows 7 & 10, Ubuntu 14.04 & 16.04 & 18.04. They are located here on github:

They are mostly Python 3.7 compatible but some are still Python 2.7 only. Most scripts take either a file or a directory as their input, for example or path/to/folder_of_stuff. (It's best to just drag and drop the folder or filename into the terminal as this provides the absolute path).

We want the project to be as reuseable as possible in different institutions and contexts. Some scripts, particularly anything to do with Object Entry or Accessioning will be quite IFI specific, but other scripts such as, and many others have been used in a variety of contexts in several different countries.

The project uses the MIT license, and we encourage the reuse, modification and study of the scripts. It's always nice to hear when the scripts have been reused in some way, but it's not necessary to let us know.


These python scripts facilitate much of our collections management procedures for digitised and born digital objects in the Irish Film Institute. We utilise a lot of open source tools, so we wanted to make these scripts as open as possible. This is why this project has the MIT License.

The Irish Film Institute has followed the SPECTRUM museum collections management standard for several years. These scripts attempt to follow SPECTRUM procedures while also utilising some of the concepts of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS). Initially the scripts only handled single video files, but they are now capable of handling:

An example workflow might be:

So this is just one way of using the scripts from acquisition to preservation storage, but there are many other scripts for specific workflows, which you can investigate further down in the documentation.

Table of Contents

.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :caption: Contents:

installation contributing usage credits