kiliman / remix-express-vite-plugin

This package includes a Vite plugin to use in your Remix app. It configures an Express server for both development and production using TypeScript.
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Hardcoded references to build paths build/index.js #20

Closed thomaswelton closed 3 months ago

thomaswelton commented 3 months ago

I'm migrating an existing application to remix and have a vite config similar to

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
        buildDirectory: "remix-build",
        serverBuildFile: "index.mjs",

In the remix config I specify a custom build directory and filename for the server build file. In our setup this is required as I want to be able to keep the existing application setup, and run the new remix app alongside it until we complete our migration.

However this file Contains hardcoded references to the build directory and the index.js file.

I propose that these options be configurable in the expressDevServer plugin, or where possible read from the config used in the remix plugin