kiliman / remix-express-vite-plugin

This package includes a Vite plugin to use in your Remix app. It configures an Express server for both development and production using TypeScript.
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This repo contains the following packages:

These two packages work hand-in-hand to enable you to bundle your Express app with your Remix app via entry.server.tsx. The Vite plugin manages the development server and passes requests to your Express app.

Remix Middleware and Server Context API

This package also unlocks the ability to use Unofficial Remix Middleware and Server Context API based on the RFC.

See the README for details.


Install the following npm packages

npm install -D remix-express-dev-server
npm install remix-create-express-app


See the individual README files for more instructions.


There's also an example app showing how to configure the Vite plugin and create the Express app.