kill-a-byte / Makeyourlibrarysmaller

Reduce Lib Size
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Make Your Library Smaller

Some tips to make for smaller footprints

When writing a javascript library for consumption there are several paths you can take to packaging it up and uploading it on npm. So this guide is meant to help offer suggestions and tips to making decisions that will help aid in reducing the footprint your library takes in applications or other libraries that utilize it.

Library Output (needs better heading)

There are several options for how to format your library output and the tools to use to achieve this.

All of the tools above can help you get the job done. However, in this guide We recommend using Rollup for this task. It emits smaller library builds than the rest. Rollup takes an assortment of plugins that can be applied on your code.


If you are using es2015+ it is best practice to transpile your code to ES5 equivalent code. Libraries or Applications that depend on your code should not be responsible for transforming your code to work in the browser or other environments that don't support experimental or non standard syntax. When it comes to transpiling there are two options you can choose from:

From these 2 choices you will mostly likely want to pick babel, it has larger community, more plugins, maintainers, and does its job pretty darn well. Buble another option that you can choose for transpilation and has the bonus of transforming code with a slightly smaller output. (Jason correct me if im wrong here)


Minification is an important step to take when creating production build of your library. What minification does is remove unnecessary charachters and unreachable code form your library. This can help reduce size by alot when done correctly. There are 2 tools that you can use to get this done:

At the moment UglifyJS produces slightly smaller output than Babili however Babili is new and only getting better. Currently UglifyJS doesn't understand targeting newer syntax ES2015+ but Babili does because it uses Babel's parser Babylon. Because of this as newer versions of javascript are implemented in browsers Babili will be able to transpile code to smaller ouput.

Tips & Tricks

Writing a library

Here we should have create a simple library and use that library to create library builds in Webpack, Rollup, etc. with different configuration and tools and compare their size.