killme2008 / carmine-sentinel

A Clojure library designed to connect redis by sentinel, make carmine to support sentinel.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
14 stars 4 forks source link
carmine clojure redis-sentinel sentinel


A Clojure library designed to connect redis by sentinel, make carmine to support sentinel


[net.fnil/carmine-sentinel "1.0.0"]

Carmine-sentinel require carmine version must be >= 2.15.0right now.

First, require carmine and carmine-sentinel:

(ns my-app
  (:require [taoensso.carmine :as car]
            [carmine-sentinel.core :as cs :refer [set-sentinel-groups!]]))

The only difference compares with carmine is that we will use carmine-sentinel.core/wcar to replace taoensso.carmine/wcar and add a new function set-sentinel-groups!.

Second, configure sentinel groups:

   {:specs [{:host "" :port 5000} {:host "" :port 5001} {:host "" :port 5002}]
    :pool  {<opts>} }})

There is only one group named :group1 above, and it has three sentinel instances (port from 5000 to 5002 at Optional, you can set the pool option values and add more sentinel groups.

You can use add-sentinel-groups! and remove-sentinel-group! to manage the configuration all the time.

Next, we can define the wcar*:

(def server1-conn {:pool {<opts>} :spec {} :sentinel-group :group1 :master-name "mymaster"})
(defmacro wcar* [& body] `(cs/wcar server1-conn ~@body))

The spec in server1-conn can be left empty or contain general configurations, such as password or ssl function, and there are two new options in server1-conn:

The spec in server1-conn will be merged to resolved master spec at runtime. So you can set :password,:timeout-ms etc. other options in it.

Also, you can define many wcar*-like macros to use other sentinel group and master name.

At last, you can use wcar* as the same in carmine.

(wcar* (car/set "key" 1))
(wcar* (car/get "key"))

If you want to bypass sentinel and connect to redis server directly such as doing testing on your local machine, you can ignore sentinel-group and master-name, just provide redis server connection spec you want connect to directly like this:

(def server1-conn {:pool {<opts>} :spec {:host "" :port 6379}})
(defmacro wcar* [& body] `(cs/wcar server1-conn ~@body))


Due to a bug fix in version 1.0.0 authentication requires slight modifications to the settings. Notice both the server connection and sentinel group require passing the authentication token:

(let [token "foobar"
          host ""]

      (def server1-conn
        {:pool {}
         :spec {:password token}
         :sentinel-group :group1
         :master-name "mymaster"})

        {:specs [{:host host :port 5000 :password token}
                 {:host host :port 5001 :password token}
                 {:host host :port 5002 :password token}]}}))

wcar* is defined normally


Please use carmine-sentinel.core/with-new-pubsub-listener to replace taoensso.carmine/with-new-pubsub-listener and provide master-name, sentinel-group to take advantage of sentinel cluster like this:

(def server1-conn {:sentinel-group :group1 :master-name "mymaster"})

(def listener
  (with-new-pubsub-listener server1-conn
    {"foobar" (fn f1 [msg] (println "Channel match: " msg))
     "foo*"   (fn f2 [msg] (println "Pattern match: " msg))}
   (car/subscribe  "foobar" "foobaz")
   (car/psubscribe "foo*")))

carmine-sentinel.core/with-new-pubsub-listener also support bypass sentinel and connect to redis server directly. You just need to provide the redis server spec you want connect to while ignore sentinel-group and master-name:

(def server1-conn {:spec {:host "" :port 6379}})

(def listener
  (with-new-pubsub-listener server1-conn
    {"foobar" (fn f1 [msg] (println "Channel match: " msg))
     "foo*"   (fn f2 [msg] (println "Pattern match: " msg))}
   (car/subscribe  "foobar" "foobaz")
   (car/psubscribe "foo*")))

MessageQueue and Lock

You have to invoke update-conn-spec before using other APIs in carmine:

(def server1-conn {:pool {<opts>} :spec {} :sentinel-group :group1 :master-name "mymaster"})

;;Message queue
(def my-worker
  (car-mq/worker (cs/update-conn-spec server1-conn) "my-queue"
   {:handler (fn [{:keys [message attempt]}]
               (println "Received" message)
               {:status :success})}))

(locks/with-lock (cs/update-conn-spec server1-conn) "my-lock"
  1000 ; Time to hold lock
  500  ; Time to wait (block) for lock acquisition
  (println "This was printed under lock!"))

Reading From Slaves

If you want to read data from slave, you can set prefer-slave? to be true:

(def slave-conn {:pool {<opts>} :spec {}
                 :sentinel-group :group1 :master-name "mymaster"
                 :prefer-slave? true})

(defmacro wcars* [& body] `(cs/wcar slave-conn ~@body))

(wcars* (car/set "key" 1)) ;; ExceptionInfo READONLY You can't write against a read only slave

If you have many slaves for one master, the default balancer is first function, but you can custom it by slaves-balancer, for example, using random strategy:

(def slave-conn {:pool {<opts>} :spec {}
                 :sentinel-group :group1
                 :master-name "mymaster"
                 :prefer-slave? true
                 :slaves-balancer rand-nth)

Listen on carmine-sentinel events

You can register a listener to listen carmine-sentinel events such as error, get-master-addr-by-name and +switch-master etc. :

(cs/register-listener! (fn [e] (println "Event " e " happens")))


At startup, carmine-sentinel will connect the first sentinel instance to resolve the master address, if if fails, carmine-sentinel will try the next sentinel until find a resolved master address or throw an exception.The resolved addr will be cached in memory.

And Carmine-sentinel subcribes +switch-master channel in sentinel.When the master redis instance is down, sentinel will publish a +switch-master message, while carmine-sentinel receives this message, it will clean the last cached result and try to connect the new redis master at once.

At last, carmine-sentinel will refresh the sentinel instance list by the response from command SENTINEL sentinels [name].

API docs


Running the Makefile tests requires having make, lein and a Linux or MacOS machine. The test scenario in the is comprised of three sentinels and one master.

To run the tests simply run in shell:

make test


Copyright © 2016 killme2008

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.