killme2008 / ring-session-memcached

Ring sessions stored in memcached
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This permits you to store your ring session in memcached.


In your project.clj:

[ring-session-memcached "0.0.1"]

Wrap your routes:

(use 'ring.middleware.session.memcached)
(-> routes
    (wrap-session {:store (mem-store "host1:11211 host2:11211")}))

The mem-store fn provides a few options to give it:

  :name  Memcached client's name
  :protocol  Protocol to talk with memcached,a string value in text,binary or kestrel,default is text protocol.
  :hash  Hash algorithm,a string value in consistent or standard,default is standard hash.
  :timeout Operation timeout in milliseconds,default is five seconds.
  :pool  Connection pool size,default is one,and it is suitable for most applications.

For example:

(mem-store "localhost:11211" :timeout 3000 :hash "consistent")


Copyright (C) 2012 Dennis Zhuang

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.