kilometersvi / EnergySymbolicRegression

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Symbolic Regression with Hebbian Learning

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This research project explores the integration of symbolic regression into energy-based models (EBMs) using Hopfield networks.

Traditional symbolic regression algorithms are used largely for modeling mathematical functions from data. Energy-Based Symbolic Regression, however, allows for more flexibility by allowing the evaluation loss of the generated string to directly backprop into the model, while also not being limited to being trained from data sources. Just as well, through hebbian learning, this model architecture can quickly converge on evaluable solutions, compared to other traditional methods of symbolic regression.

The proposed methodology hinges on "Qfunctions," which are used to determine the behavior of the connectivity matrix and subsequently influencing the system's interpretation process. These Qfunctions will be generalized into a language, allowing users to program the space of the output string's syntax. Users will also be allowed to code their own evaluation methods based on implementation of the model.

By leveraging the energy dynamics inherent to Hopfield networks, the model identifies configurations corresponding to minimal energy states, representing optimal symbolic approximations of the "syntax space". Just as well, specialized loss analytics are designed and implemented to allow the evaluation of generated strings to interact with traditional hebbian learning formulas, allowing the model to approach specific solutions.

A significant aspect of this project is the development of a programming language specifically designed for these EBMs. This language aims to introduce fine control over the syntax of output token strings, offering a nuanced approach to symbolic regression tasks.

How it works

At the heart of our model is the classic Hopfield network update rule. However, wae've introduced a significant change to incorporate the evaluation loss, allowing the model to prioritize solution convergence based on this loss.

The original Hopfield update formula is given by:

$$\frac{du_i}{dt} = -ui + \sum^n{j=0}Vj Q{ij} + I_i $$

In this equation:

Our modification involves replacing $I$ with a loss matrix, which we compute based on how well the current state of the network solves the desired task. This loss matrix takes on the role of the bias, where higher loss values indicate stronger biases for certain neurons. Essentially, the loss steers the network towards states that better satisfy our goals.

By treating the output loss as the bias for the current epoch of solution convergence, we can guide the network's dynamics towards producing more accurate and relevant solutions.

Learn more about hopfield networks:



