1992년부터 2018년도까지 이루어진 word/sentence embedding의 중요한 줄기를 이루는 기초 논문 스터디를 진행하고자 합니다.
Dates | Paper(author) | Year | Presenter | File upload | Code explained |
03/10 | Class-Based n-gram Models of Natural Language(Peter F Brown, et al.) | 1992 | 소연 | 설명 | |
03/17 | Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space(Tomas Mikolov, et al) | 2013 | 동진 | 발표 | |
03/24 | Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality(Tomas Mikolov, et al) | 2013 | 나연 | 설명 | skip-gram, CBOW |
03/31 | Distributed Representations of Sentences and Documents(Quoc V. Le and Tomas Mikolov) | 2014 | 기원 | 설명 | Doc2Vec |
04/21 | GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation(Jeffrey Pennington, et al.) | 2015 | 수정 | 설명 | |
04/28 | Skip-Thought Vectors(Ryan Kiros, et al.) | 2015 | 기범 | 설명 | |
05/05 | Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information(Piotr Bojanowski, et al.) | 2017 | 은기 | 설명 | |
Universal Sentence Encoder(Daniel Cer et al.) | 2018 |
Dates | Topic | Presenter | File upload |
04/14 | genism을 이용한 word2vec 사용 | 현지 | 링크 |
04/14 | negative samping & subsampling | 나경 | 링크 |
04/14 | hierarchical softmax | 소연 | 링크 |
04/14 | negative contrastive estimation(NCE) | 수정 | 링크 |
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