kimlai / melikeyradio

Simple webradio/musicblog engine.
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Me Likey Radio

Me Likey Radio is a simple Blog/Webradio. It uses multiple APIs (soundcloud, youtube, vimeo) and a custom javascript player to simulate a music webradio.

It uses Symfony2 on the server and Chaplinjs in the client.

Seting up your environment

MeLikeyRadio uses vagrant. To get your virtual machine up and running, simply run :

vagrant up

Then, log into the new vm and go to the dev dir:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

Server-side setup

Once you're logged in, you'll need to install your vendors :

php composer.phar install

Install the web assets :

$ ./app/console assets:install --symlink

Load the doctrine fixtures :

$ ./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Webclient setup

The webclient is a rich javascript app powered by Chaplinjs. It uses coffeescript and compass.

Normally the VM should have nodejs, npm, grunt, bower and compass already installed. If not, try running the following command on your host machine :

$ vagrant provision

The client source code is located in src/MeLikey/WebAppBundle/Resources/client. To install the frontend dev dependencies, move inside that folder and run

$ npm install && bower install

To compile the coffeescript files into javascript :

$ grunt coffee

To compile the sass files into css :

$ grunt compass

And finally, to compile the twig views into javascript, go to the root folder of the app and run

$ ./app/console assetic:dump

That's it, you've set up your dev environment ! To see the website in action, you can use the webserver built in PHP :

./app/console server:run -vvv

You can now access the website at