king-millez / snapmap-archiver

Download all Snap Map content from a specific location.
GNU General Public License v3.0
91 stars 11 forks source link
geolocation osint osint-python osint-tool snapchat


Download all Snap Map content from a specific location.

snapmap-archiver splash

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Installation (for general usage)

Install with pip or pipx or whatever trendy Python package manager you use:

pip install snapmap-archiver

Local Development Setup

Install Poetry with pip or pipx:

pip install poetry

Install the project dependencies:

poetry install

Run the app with Poetry:

poetry run python3 [...args]


snapmap-archiver -o [OUTPUT DIR] -l="[LATITUDE],[LONGITUDE]"

Unfortunately you have to use the arbitrary -l="lat,lon" (with the equals sign) rather than just -l "lat,lon" when parsing negative numbers as argsparse interprets said numbers as extra arguments.

Optional Arguments


-l is not required if an input file or Snap URL is provided. It can also be used multiple times to download Snaps from multiple locations in one command.


snapmap-archiver -o ~/Desktop/snap -l='123.123,123.123' -l '445.445,445.445'

Input File

With -f or --file, you can specify a file containing a list of line-separated Snap URLs or IDs.


snapmap-archiver -o ~/Desktop/snaps -f ~/Desktop/snaps.txt

Inside snaps.txt:,115.741281,11.86z

Snap URL

You can also just pass 1 or more normal Snap URLs or IDs to the package to download it individually like this:

snapmap-archiver -o ~/Desktop/snap ',115.741281,11.86z' 'Example'

Time Filter

Use the -t flag with a Unix timestamp or day, hour, or minute interval to skip the download of any snaps older than that point.

Example with a Unix timestamp:

snapmap-archiver -t 1714392291 -l='-123,123'

Examples with a dynamic time filter:

snapmap-archiver -t 3d -l='-123,123'  # Removes anything older than 3 days
snapmap-archiver -t 5h -l='-123,123'  # Removes anything older than 5 hours
snapmap-archiver -t 30m -l='-123,123'  # Removes anything older than 30 minutes

Export JSON

You can export a JSON file with info about downloaded snaps with the --write-json argument, which will contain information like the time the Snap was posted, and the Snap location.

It will write archive.json to the specified output directory.

Snap Radius

The radius from the coordinates you provide that will be included for downloads. -r 20000 will download all Snaps within a 20km radius of your coordinates.

Zoom Depth

You can input a custom zoom depth value (-z) that correlates to a zoom level in the GUI. ArcGIS has documentation about this here, but essentially the lower the number, the further zoomed-out you are. 5 is the default and shouldn't cause any issues.

Debug Mode

Enable debug logs with -d/--debug.