kingjulio8238 / Memary

Making Agents Reliable In Production.
MIT License
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agents knowledge-graph memory multiagent-systems rag self-improvement


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Manage Your Agent Memories

Agents promote human-type reasoning and are a great advancement towards building AGI and understanding ourselves as humans. Memory is a key component of how humans approach tasks and should be weighted the same when building AI agents. memary emulates human memory to advance these agents.

Quickstart ๐Ÿ

Install memary

  1. With pip:

Make sure you are running python version <= 3.11.9, then run

pip install memary
  1. Locally:

i. Create a virtual environment with the python version set as specified above

ii. Install python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Specify Models Used

At the time of writing, memary assumes installation of local models and we currently support all models available through Ollama:

memary will default to the locally run models unless explicitly specified. Additionally, memary allows developers to easily switch between downloaded models.

Run memary


  1. [Optional] If running models locally using Ollama, follow this the instructions in this repo.

  2. Ensure that a .env exists with any necessary credentials.

  3. Fetch API credentials:

    API Info - [**OpenAI key**]( - [**Neo4j**]( - Click 'Start for free` → Create a free instance → Open auto-downloaded txt file and use the credentials - [**Perplexity key**]( - [**Google Maps**]( - Keys are generated in the 'Credentials' page of the 'APIs & Services' tab of Google Cloud Console - [Alpha Vantage]( - Recommended to use to generate a temporary email to use
  4. Update user persona which can be found in streamlit_app/data/user_persona.txt using the user persona template which can be found in streamlit_app/data/user_persona_template.txt. Instructions have been provided - replace the curly brackets with relevant information.

  5. [Optional] Update system persona, if needed, which can be found in streamlit_app/data/system_persona.txt.

  6. Run:

cd streamlit_app
streamlit run

Basic Usage

from memary.agent.chat_agent import ChatAgent

system_persona_txt = "data/system_persona.txt"
user_persona_txt = "data/user_persona.txt"
past_chat_json = "data/past_chat.json"
memory_stream_json = "data/memory_stream.json"
entity_knowledge_store_json = "data/entity_knowledge_store.json"
chat_agent = ChatAgent(
    "Personal Agent",

Pass in subset of ['search', 'vision', 'locate', 'stocks'] as include_from_defaults for different set of default tools upon initialization.

Adding Custom Tools

def multiply(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    """Multiply two integers and returns the result integer"""
    return a * b

chat_agent.add_tool({"multiply": multiply})

More information about creating custom tools for the LlamaIndex ReAct Agent can be found here.

Removing Custom Tools


Memory Dashboard ๐Ÿง 

(coming soon)

Features Benefits
๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Chat to Agent Memory Access certain memories
๐Ÿง  Analyze Agent Progress Track how agents develop their memories over time
โฎ๏ธ Rewind Executions Review agent memories to understand specific responses
๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿง’โ€๐Ÿง’ Audience Preferences Understand audiences' best and most recent preferences
โœ๐Ÿป memaryParse Inject proprietary data into agent memory & combine parsers for advanced data ingestion
๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ memaryRetrieval Access memories & combine retrievers for advanced memory retrieval
๐Ÿงช Configure Agent Memory Search and combine memory databases
๐Ÿ› Playgrounds Specify models and tools used as well as benchmark different memory techniques
๐Ÿ” Stay Up To Date Receive notifications when agent memories have been added, updated or removed

Core Concepts ๐Ÿงช

The current structure of memary is detailed in the diagram below.

memary overview

At the time of writing, the above system design includes the routing agent, knoweldge graph and memory module are all integrated into the ChatAgent class located in the src/agent directory.

Raw source code for these components can also be found in their respective directories including benchmarks, notebooks, and updates.


memary integrates itself onto your existing agents with as little developer implementation as possible. We achieve this sticking to a few principles.


routing agent

To provide developers, who don't have existing agents, access to memary we setup a simple agent implementation. We use the ReAct agent to plan and execute a query given the tools provided.

While we didn't emphasize equipping the agent with many tools, the search tool is crucial to retrieve information from the knowledge graph. This tool queries the knowledge graph for a response based on existing nodes and executes an external search if no related entities exist. Other default agent tools include computer vision powered by LLaVa and a location tool using geococder and google maps.

Note: In future version releases, the current ReAct agent (that was used for demo purposes) will be removed from the package so that memary can support any type of agents from any provider.

def external_query(self, query: str):
    messages_dict = [
        {"role": "system", "content": "Be precise and concise."},
        {"role": "user", "content": query},
    messages = [ChatMessage(**msg) for msg in messages_dict]
    external_response =

    return str(external_response)
def search(self, query: str) -> str:
    response = self.query_engine.query(query)

    if response.metadata is None:
        return self.external_query(query)
        return response

Knowledge Graphs

KG diagram

Knowledge Graphs โ†” LLMs

Knowledge Graph Use Cases

def query(self, query: str) -> str:
        # get the response from react agent
        response =
        # write response to file for KG writeback
        with open("data/external_response.txt", "w") as f:
            print(response, file=f)
        # write back to the KG
        return response
def check_KG(self, query: str) -> bool:
        """Check if the query is in the knowledge graph.

            query (str): query to check in the knowledge graph

            bool: True if the query is in the knowledge graph, False otherwise
        response = self.query_engine.query(query)

        if response.metadata is None:
            return False
        return generate_string(

Memory Modules

Memory Module

The memory module comprises the Memory Stream and Entity Knowledge Store. The memory module was influenced by the design of K-LaMP proposed by Microsoft Research.

Memory Stream

The Memory Stream captures all entities inserted into the KG and their associated timestamps. This stream reflects the breadth of the users' knowledge, i.e., concepts users have had exposure to but no depth of exposure is inferred.

def add_memory(self, entities):
            for entity in entities
def get_memory(self) -> list[MemoryItem]:
        return self.memory

Entity Knowledge Store

The Entity Knowledge Store tracks the frequency and recency of references to each entity stored in the memory stream. This knowledge store reflects users' depth of knowledge, i.e., concepts they are more familiar with than others.

def _select_top_entities(self):
        entity_knowledge_store = self.message.llm_message['knowledge_entity_store']
        entities = [entity.to_dict() for entity in entity_knowledge_store]
        entity_counts = [entity['count'] for entity in entities]
        top_indexes = np.argsort(entity_counts)[:TOP_ENTITIES]
        return [entities[index] for index in top_indexes]
def _convert_memory_to_knowledge_memory(
            self, memory_stream: list) -> list[KnowledgeMemoryItem]:
        """Converts memory from memory stream to entity knowledge store by grouping entities 

            knowledge_memory (list): list of KnowledgeMemoryItem
        knowledge_memory = []

        entities = set([item.entity for item in memory_stream])
        for entity in entities:
            memory_dates = [
       for item in memory_stream if item.entity == entity
                KnowledgeMemoryItem(entity, len(memory_dates),
        return knowledge_memory

Memory Compression

New Context Window


Note: We utilize the the key categorized entities and themes associated with users to tailor agent responses more closely to the user's current interests/preferences and knowledge level/expertise. The new context window is made up of the following:

Future Features ๐Ÿ”œ

Speak to Your Agents Memory ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ

memary's chat interface offers a portal to access agent memories, integrating capabilitiies such as searching, removing and viewing agent memories over specified periods and more all under one umbrella available in your dashboard.

Analyze Agent Progress ๐Ÿง 

Track how your agents develop their memory. We will provide access to relevant metrics to represent the growth of agent memories over time which will be available in your dashboard.

Track Memories โฎ๏ธ

memary breaks down agent memory for each response generated. A list of agent responses with their respective memories will be avilable in your dashbord. Human input (good/bad response) can help your systems improve.

Audience Preferences ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿง’โ€๐Ÿง’

Through our proprietary memory modules, we are able to infer audience preferences for certain time periods. Audiences' best and most recent preferences are continously updated and will be available in your dashboard.

memaryParse โœ๐Ÿป

Parse and clean your proprietry data before inserting into your agent memory. memary supports various file types including table and image extraction. Combine different parsers to form a parent parser with advanced capabilities. Also access templates for predefined database schemas and set of node relationships or define your own! This is all available in your dashboard.

memaryRetrieval ๐Ÿ—‚๏ธ

Use different techniques to retrieve agent memory. Also combine various retrievers to form a parent retriever with advanced capabilities. All avilable in your dashboard.

Customizable Memory ๐Ÿงช

memary deploys knowledge graphs to track agent actions. View, search and configure memory for your purposes. Join different memories together for improved retrieval and toggle between your favorite graph providers. All available in your dashboard.

Playgrounds ๐Ÿ›


memary is released under the MIT License.