kingsdigitallab / crossreads

Palaeographical environment for CROSSREADS project
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Collection filtering Annotation indexing Site publication Change queue runner

KDL codebase for the CROSSREADS research project


Main site:



A pure client-side javascript application running in the browser allowing researchers to bound graphs found in photographs of text-bearing objects and describe them using a structured language.

Principles & aims

Status: working prototype



See the github issue section and the milestones.


To install and run the app localy:

cd app
npm ci
npm start


Test that the encoding of the TEI corpus allows word and sign segmentation.

cd tools
npm ci
npm run test:words

Controlling which inscriptions are listed in the Annotator

A javscript command line app regenerates the DTS sub-collection to inscription listed in the annotator.

It takes two input files:

And produces collection.json a subset, or sub-collection, made by filtering the full collections.json with the shortlisted IDs.

Note that the IDs are case sensitive.

To add more inscriptions to the Annotator, add the desired IDs to the inscriptions.js file then ask a KDL developper to run the filtering script.

cd tools
npm ci
npm run collection:filter

Then, to publish the changes to the live annotator, run the deployment action on github.