kinsi55 / CS_BeatSaber_FocusMod

Stops you from looking at your Accuracy when you shouldnt
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link

Ever tried to take a peek at your Accuracy while playing only to miss the next block?

This mod allows you to configure a minimum amount of necessary "downtime" in a map with no blocks (And walls / bombs) required for the Accuracy to be visible so you can focus on hitting block. If you're a streamer you can also chose to hide it only in VR and keep it on the desktop

The Game version(s) specific releases are compatible with are mentioned in the Release title (Its obviously possible latest is not supported assuming its been released recently). If you need the plugin for an older version - Grab an older release that fits 🤯


You can always find the latest download in The Releases, simply drag the files into the respective folders
