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Read and write Log ASCII Standard files with Python.
This is a Python 3.7+ package to read and write Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files, used for borehole data such as geophysical, geological, or petrophysical logs. It's compatible with versions 1.2 and 2.0 of the LAS file specification, published by the Canadian Well Logging Society. Support for LAS 3 is being worked on.
lasio is primarily for reading and writing data and metadata to and from LAS files. It is designed to read as many LAS files as possible, including those containing common errors and non-compliant formatting. It can be used directly, but you may want to consider using some other packages, depending on your priorities:
lasio stopped supporting Python 2.7 in August 2020. The final version of lasio with Python 2.7 support is version 0.26.
See our code of conduct.
For the minimum working requirements, you'll need numpy installed. Install lasio with:
$ pip install lasio
To make sure you have everything, use this to ensure pandas, chardet, and openpyxl are also installed:
$ pip install lasio[all]
Example session:
>>> import lasio
You can read the file using a filename, file-like object, or URL:
>>> las ="sample_rev.las")
Data is accessible both directly as numpy arrays
>>> las.keys()
['DEPT', 'DT', 'RHOB', 'NPHI', 'SFLU', 'SFLA', 'ILM', 'ILD']
>>> las['SFLU']
array([ 123.45, 123.45, 123.45, ..., 123.45, 123.45, 123.45])
>>> las['DEPT']
array([ 1670. , 1669.875, 1669.75 , ..., 1669.75 , 1670. ,
and as CurveItem
objects with associated metadata:
>>> las.curves
[CurveItem(mnemonic=DEPT, unit=M, value=, descr=1 DEPTH, original_mnemonic=DEPT, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=DT, unit=US/M, value=, descr=2 SONIC TRANSIT TIME, original_mnemonic=DT, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=RHOB, unit=K/M3, value=, descr=3 BULK DENSITY, original_mnemonic=RHOB, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=NPHI, unit=V/V, value=, descr=4 NEUTRON POROSITY, original_mnemonic=NPHI, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=SFLU, unit=OHMM, value=, descr=5 RXO RESISTIVITY, original_mnemonic=SFLU, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=SFLA, unit=OHMM, value=, descr=6 SHALLOW RESISTIVITY, original_mnemonic=SFLA, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=ILM, unit=OHMM, value=, descr=7 MEDIUM RESISTIVITY, original_mnemonic=ILM, data.shape=(29897,)),
CurveItem(mnemonic=ILD, unit=OHMM, value=, descr=8 DEEP RESISTIVITY, original_mnemonic=ILD, data.shape=(29897,))]
Header information is parsed into simple HeaderItem objects, and stored in a dictionary for each section of the header:
>>> las.version
[HeaderItem(mnemonic=VERS, unit=, value=1.2, descr=CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD -VERSION 1.2, original_mnemonic=VERS),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=WRAP, unit=, value=NO, descr=ONE LINE PER DEPTH STEP, original_mnemonic=WRAP)]
>>> las.well
[HeaderItem(mnemonic=STRT, unit=M, value=1670.0, descr=, original_mnemonic=STRT),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=STOP, unit=M, value=1660.0, descr=, original_mnemonic=STOP),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=STEP, unit=M, value=-0.125, descr=, original_mnemonic=STEP),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=NULL, unit=, value=-999.25, descr=, original_mnemonic=NULL),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=COMP, unit=, value=ANY OIL COMPANY LTD., descr=COMPANY, original_mnemonic=COMP),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=WELL, unit=, value=ANY ET AL OIL WELL #12, descr=WELL, original_mnemonic=WELL),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=FLD, unit=, value=EDAM, descr=FIELD, original_mnemonic=FLD),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=LOC, unit=, value=A9-16-49, descr=LOCATION, original_mnemonic=LOC),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=PROV, unit=, value=SASKATCHEWAN, descr=PROVINCE, original_mnemonic=PROV),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=SRVC, unit=, value=ANY LOGGING COMPANY LTD., descr=SERVICE COMPANY, original_mnemonic=SRVC),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=DATE, unit=, value=25-DEC-1988, descr=LOG DATE, original_mnemonic=DATE),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=UWI, unit=, value=100091604920, descr=UNIQUE WELL ID, original_mnemonic=UWI)]
>>> las.params
[HeaderItem(mnemonic=BHT, unit=DEGC, value=35.5, descr=BOTTOM HOLE TEMPERATURE, original_mnemonic=BHT),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=BS, unit=MM, value=200.0, descr=BIT SIZE, original_mnemonic=BS),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=FD, unit=K/M3, value=1000.0, descr=FLUID DENSITY, original_mnemonic=FD),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=MATR, unit=, value=0.0, descr=NEUTRON MATRIX(0=LIME,1=SAND,2=DOLO), original_mnemonic=MATR),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=MDEN, unit=, value=2710.0, descr=LOGGING MATRIX DENSITY, original_mnemonic=MDEN),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=RMF, unit=OHMM, value=0.216, descr=MUD FILTRATE RESISTIVITY, original_mnemonic=RMF),
HeaderItem(mnemonic=DFD, unit=K/M3, value=1525.0, descr=DRILL FLUID DENSITY, original_mnemonic=DFD)]
The data is stored as a 2D numpy array:
array([[ 1670. , 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ],
[ 1669.875, 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ],
[ 1669.75 , 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ],
[ 1669.75 , 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ],
[ 1670. , 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ],
[ 1669.875, 123.45 , 2550. , ..., 123.45 , 110.2 , 105.6 ]])
You can also retrieve and load data as a pandas
DataFrame, build LAS files
from scratch, write them back to disc, and export to Excel, amongst other
See the package documentation for more details.
Contributions are invited and welcome.
See Contributing for how to get started.