kiooeht / pesterchum

Instant messaging client copying the look and feel of clients from Andrew Hussie's webcomic Homestuck.
18 stars 8 forks source link

Welcome to Pesterchum 3.41!


What do I do now?

Most questions can be answered by visiting the forums! Go to HELP->HELP and you'll be transported to the proper thread!

Here's some tips to help you get started:

Cool features:


Q: Norton says it has a virus and then deletes it!
A: Read this helpful Norton FAQ:

Alright, here's a guide to by-passing Norton:

(This guide brought to you by the slightly combined efforts of empireomega and Xanaomin)

Q: I can't connect because my school/university/network/stolen wifi is blocking my connection! OR I can't seem to connect to the server at all and I'm not running any firewalls!
A: Edit your pesterchum.js file. Open it up in notepad or something, and then edit the beginning so it looks like this:

{"port": "1413", ....

where the .... is the rest of the gobbledygook there.

Q: The mood buttons on Pesterchum 6.0 don't match up to what it sets your mood to! What gives?
A: The mood names are just there to look canon. It is intentional.

Q: I'm appearing as offline to 2.5 users/other users appear the wrong mood? What's happeninggggg
A: The 2.5 people decided to change the mood protocol. When I made this program, I decided to go with Tinychat's original protocol (and extend it). So some moods will appear wrong between 2.5 users. (*COUGH*tell them to switch to 3.14*COUGH*)

Q: Pesterchum 2.5 users don't get my /me messages correctly!
A: That's because they implemented the /me command differently.

Q: Can we resize the main window?
A: No. This is done so we can offer more flexible UI creation. It's a lot easier to make themes that look canon this way.

Q: Can we have different chum rolls for different users?
A: No. Instead what we now have crum groups to organize people.

Q: Can we delete profiles?
A: Yes. Go to the profile switcher, choose a profile and press DELETE.

Q: You should make it so you can ban specific time frames in memos.
A: This was too complicated to implement, and I don't have the UI quite figured out. This will probably go in a future update.



If this is your first time running Pesterchum 3.14, you need to create a new profile. Just type in your chum handle in the box and click the color swatch to pick your color. Check the "default" checkbox to make this your default profile.


To begin pestering, first click the "ADD CHUM" button and type in their pester handle. The handle must be all lower case except for one capital letter. Once you've added that person, they will appear on your chumroll. You can double click to begin pestering them, or right-click to bring up a menu where you can pester them, block them, or remove them from your chumroll. (Or you can select them and hit "enter" OR hit the "PESTER" button.)

Once you begin pestering somebody (or they begin pestering you), it will bring up the conversation window. Here you can type to your chum. Also remember that if you right-click on the area just above the Pesterlog, it will bring up a list of options: Quirks Off will turn your quirks off, Add Chum will add this chum to your list, and Block will block them. (Those last two options are useful if you are being pestered by someone you don't have on your list yet!)

While pestering your chum, here are some useful features:


One of the most interesting features to make was the memos, and make them as close to the comic as I could without actually inventing time travel. So here is the TIME TUTORIAL:




Opens the Memo list as above.


Shows a list of all the users that are currently logged onto Pesterchum. Right-click their names and select "ADD CHUM" to add them to your chum roll!


Make yourself an idle chum. You will appear as idle until you uncheck this box, or if you actually go idle (stop using the computer) for 10 minutes and then come back.


Imports your old Pesterchum 2.0, 2.5 and Tinychum chum rolls. This will also import your old quirks from Pesterchum 2.5.


Forces PC to reconnect to the server.





Opens the quirks menu. More on that below!


Opens up the window where you can view people you've blocked. You can add and remove people to the list from here as well.


Change your text color here!


Switch your profile! You can have any number of profiles, and PC will save your color, quirks, and theme for that profile. Chumrolls and block lists are the same for all profiles. Feel free to have multiple instances of PC running on two or more handles!



Get taken to a handy dandy tutorial for Pesterchum!


Open a chat with calSprite (learn more about calSprite below).


Open a chat with NickServ. If you don't know what NickServ is, you don't need to.


See which version of Pesterchum you have. Learn about all the awesome people that helped bring Pesterchum 3.14 to you!


Report any bugs you come across so we can fix them and make Pesterchum even better!


calSprite is the bot that helps moderate canon handle usage! Simply pester calSprite with the world "HELP" (turn your quirks off!) and you will get instructions on how to use calSprite!


There are six kinds of quirks! I'll teach you how to use them all! (In this section, I will use quotes ("") around things so it's clearer to see exactly what to type! Don't include these quotes when using these examples!

Also, note that your quirks will not work until you save them by hitting "OK" on the Quirk window.


Here's a list of smilies: