kipkurui / drug_design_workshop

Workshop on in silico drug design.
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Unraveling the application of computers in solving computational problems: A Hands-On Workshop on Genomics and Bioinformatics

We are planning the Drug Design Workshop/hackathon at Kenyatta University in Mid May 2024.


Genomics has revolutionized the field of biology, enabling researchers to unravel the complexities of genetic information across diverse organisms. Bioinformatics, the interdisciplinary field that combines biology with computer science, is pivotal in analyzing and interpreting genomic data. Given the growing importance of genomics and bioinformatics in modern biological research, we propose organizing a workshop to equip participants with essential skills and tools to navigate the genomic and proteomics landscape through bioinformatics techniques. This will be a key step towards understanding the modern drug design process to find novel therapeutics for cancer treatment.


The workshop will focus on the fundamentals of in silico drug design, explore the application of machine learning in drug discovery, and dive into the fascinating world of bioinformatics. Additionally, we have an exciting group activity planned to collaborate on data mining of natural compounds from East Africa, putting our newfound skills into practice.


  1. Introduction to Bioinformatics: Biological and literature search
  2. Introduction to Genomics
  3. Introduction to in silico drug design
  4. Application of Bioinformatics in Drug Discovery
  5. Practical session: Use of Online Resources in drug discovery

To participate

You can apply to participate in the hackathon using application the link by 13th May 2024.

Workshop Schedule

Find the workshop schedule


All content of this repo is released under the CC-BY 4.0 license


We acknowledge the funding for this project from KENNET Mini-grants.




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Post-workshop survey

You can find the post-workshop survey [google form]()