kitab-project-org / ZoteroStyleForKITAB

Zotero Citation Style for the ERC volume
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Zotero Citation Style for the ERC volume

Please download and install the citation style on Zotero. This is being continuously modified by Aslisho. Please download it from this repository.

When you collect citation, please make sure you save them to the ERC KITAB Volume library on Zotero, and not other folder or your personal library. This way subsequent citation will be recognised as "cited" already and shortened accordingly.

I believe this style guide will mostly do for now, but we will have to make some changes as we go along, especially with regard to citing the OpenITI files, datasets, and primary Arabic sources. Please let me know if you have any questions. For the most part, we hope that the style guide will make it easier for us to remain on the same page.

Guide to install a Zotero style from your computer

Zotero documentation and forums provide a lot of information about Zotero connectors, integration with GoogleDoc and Word, etc.

Link to Hanna's style guide for KITAB publications