kitsunekyo / openbim-ifc-playground

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@thatopen/components Stream monorepo example

This example repo allows you to pick an ifc file and have it processed for streaming.



1. Install dependencies and start the web app

cd client
npm install
npm run dev

3. Convert IFC File to tiles with the api server

The api in server/ will generate the following files, save them on the filesystem and add an entry to a sqlite database. In a real application, you'd most likely want to save the files on s3, or some other type of managed storage solution.

// geometry files
type GeometryTileFileId = `ifc-processed-geometries-${number}`;
type GeometryGlobalFileId = `ifc-processed-global`;
type GeometrySettingsFileId = `ifc-processed.json`;

// property files
type PropertyTileFileId = `ifc-processed-properties-${number}`;
type PropertyIndexesFileId = `ifc-processed-properties-indexes`;
type PropertySettingsFileId = `ifc-processed-properties.json`;

Start the api server

cd server
npm install
npm run migrate # setup the sqlite database
npm run dev # start the api server on http://localhost:3000

You can import the postman collection to Postman, to have all available api endpoints.

Send your ifc file to your api via a POST request

curl --location 'localhost:3000/api/models' \
--form 'file=@"/C:/Users/aspieslechner/Downloads/ifcjs/200226 FH2_Tragwerk IFC4 Design.ifc"'

This will start the conversion, and return a response like this.

  "message": "ifc tiling started",
  "conversionId": "LHS10IpZ"

You can see all the converted models in the database by doing a GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/models (or opening it in the browser).

Depending on your file size, you might have to wait a bit until it all files are generated (todo: create an endpoint to get progress)

4. Stream the model into the viewer

Open http://localhost:8080. This should fetch all available models. Copy an ID and paste it into the text input. Click the button to stream it into the viewer.
