kivra / oauth2_client

Erlang OAuth2 Client
MIT License
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Oauth2 Client

This library is designed to simplify consuming Oauth2 enabled REST Services. It wraps a restclient and takes care of reauthenticating expired access_tokens when needed.


Implemented flows are:


Retrieve a client with access_token using Password Credentials Grant

1> oauth2c:retrieve_access_token(<<"password">>, <<"Url">>, <<"Uid">>, <<"Pwd">>).
{ok, Headers, Client}

Retrieve a client with access_token using Client Credentials Grant

2> oauth2c:retrieve_access_token(<<"client_credentials">>, <<"Url">>, <<"Client">>, <<"Secret">>).
{ok, Headers, Client}

Microsoft Azure AD: Since parameters are different please use <<"azure_client_credentials">> as Type when retrieving an access token for that service. Be sure to set a Scope if you want to access any of the connected APIs.

2> oauth2c:retrieve_access_token(
{ok, Headers, Client}

The Opaque Client object is to be used on subsequent requests like:

3> oauth2c:request(get, json, <<"Url">>, [200], Client).
{{ok, Status, Headers, Body} Client2}

See restclient for more info on how requests work.

Twitter Example


-export([ run/0

-define(CONSUMER_SECRET, <<"my_consumer_secret">>).
-define(CONSUMER_KEY, <<"my_consumer_key">>).

-define(OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, <<"">>).

-define(USER_TIMELINE_URL(User, StrCount),
          , User, "&count=", StrCount>>).

        << ""
           , Resources>>).
run() ->
    {ok, _Headers, Client} =
          <<"client_credentials">>, ?OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL, ?CONSUMER_KEY,
    {{ok, _Status1, _Headers1, Tweets}, Client2} =
          get, json, ?USER_TIMELINE_URL("twitterapi", "4"), [200], Client),
    io:format("Tweets: ~p~n", [Tweets]),
    {{ok, _Status2, _Headers2, Limits}, _Client3} =
          get, json, ?APP_LIMITS_URL("help,users,search,statuses"),
          [200], Client2),
    io:format("Limits: ~p~n", [Limits]),


The KIVRA oauth2 library uses an MIT license. So go ahead and do what you want!