kiwicopple / serverless-postgres

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Serverless Postgres (experimental)

Serverless Postgres using Oriole, Fly Machines, and Tigris for S3 Storage.


This is a MVP for Serverless Postgres.

1/ It uses, which can automatically pause your database after all connections are released (and start it again when new connections join).

2/ It uses Oriole, a Postgres extension with experimental support for S3 / Decoupled Storage.

3/ It uses Tigris, Globally Distributed S3-Compatible Object Storage. Oriole will automatically backup the data to Tigris using background workers.



Make sure you already have an account with

Step 1: initialize your S3 store

fly storage create # Keep the credentials, you'll need them in the next step

Step 2: set up credentials

Copy the sample env file and add your Tigris credentials from above:

cp .env.sample .env

Step 3: Running Postgres locally

Start Postgres locally using docker compose up.

(You may need to change the execute permissions on ./oriole/

Step 4: Postgres usage

Enable the Oriole extension:

CREATE extension orioledb;

Create a table and insert data:

-- Create a table to store blog posts
CREATE TABLE blog_post (
    id int8 NOT NULL,
    title text NOT NULL COLLATE "C"
) USING orioledb;

-- Insert 1 million blog posts
INSERT INTO blog_post (select id, 'value' || id from generate_series (1,1000000) id);

After this, you the Oriole background workers will store the data in Tigris. You can login to Tigris using fly storage dashboard to view the data:

Serverless Postgres

Deploy to Fly

To deploy your Serverless Postgres to, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new Fly app

Create a new Fly app for your Serverless Postgres:

fly apps create your-serverless-postgres

Replace your-serverless-postgres with your desired app name.

Step 2: Create secrets

First, create secrets for your Tigris credentials:

fly secrets set $(cat .env | xargs)

Step 3: Deploy Primary to Fly

Deploy your app to Fly:

fly deploy --ha=false

This command will use the fly.toml file in the project directory to configure and deploy the app. It is going to create a single machine and an attached volume.

You can now connect to the postgres instance with the host name: <app-name>

Step 4: Deploy Read Replica


I wouldn't recommend using this in production just yet. The goal of this repo is to showcase Oriole and start gathering feedback from anyone who wants to test it out. Please submit any Oriole bug reports to the Oriole GitHub repo.

Oriole Decoupled Storage

Oriole has experimental support for S3.

Oriole is a table storage extension for Postgres. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Postgres' existing storage engine. The Oriole storage engine's reduction in disk IO is significant enough that it unlocks performant databases backed by S3 compatible blob storage.

Data most-often accessed is cached in local storage for performance. The data is synced with S3 asynchronously:

S3 Workers

Read more in the Oriole docs.