kiwih / cubeide-sd-card

CubeIDE/CubeMX compatible MMC/SD memory card FatFs driver
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This project is designed as an example of a STM32CubeIDE-generated system with FatFs middleware controlling an SPI-connected MMC/SD memory card.

The project was initially created in CubeIDE, and then code written by ChaN was ported to fit the CubeIDE generator.

This is a remake of the original project provided here for CubeIDE instead of CubeMX.

I also wrote a blog post which accompanies this repository and explains how to use it.

Adoption Guide

  1. Copy the driver files FATFS/Target/user_diskio_spi.c and FATFS/Target/user_diskio_spi.h into your CubeIDE project which has been configured to use FatFS.
  2. In FATFS/Target/user_diskio.c add #include "user_diskio_spi.h"
  3. In FATFS/Target/user_diskio.c call USER_SPI_initialize(...) in USER_initialize(...), USER_SPI_status(...) in USER_status(...), USER_SPI_read(...) in USER_read(...), USER_SPI_write(...) in USER_write(...), and USER_SPI_ioctl(...) in USER_ioctl(...).
    • We embed in this manner to avoid conflicts with the CubeIDE code generator. Make sure these function calls are inside the USER comment blocks.
  4. In main.h ensure that you have #defines for SD_SPI_HANDLE (e.g. hspi2), SD_CS_GPIO_Port, and SD_CS_Pin.
  5. Double check what would be suitable high/low speeds for your SPI driver and the prescalars you will need to use for the SPI port. Configure these at in user_diskio_spi.c:
    //(Note that the _256 is used as a mask to clear the prescalar bits as it provides binary 111 in the correct position)

define FCLK_SLOW() { MODIFY_REG(SD_SPI_HANDLE.Instance->CR1, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_256, SPI_BAUDRATEPRESCALER_128); } / Set SCLK = slow, approx 280 KBits/s/


You can now call the FatFS functions from your `main()`. For more detailed explanation of this, with examples, check out [the blog post](

## Additional note

Also note that if you're using this process with your own custom circuit, you may need pull-up resistors on the SCK, MISO, and MOSI lines. The SD card module I used in this post includes them internally - if you're wiring your own design, you might find you need to add them. You can also consider enabling the internal pull up resistors. More details are included [here](