kizohi00 / Esp-netHunter

A portable ESP8266-based device for Evil Twin and deauthentication attacks with customizable phishing pages.
MIT License
74 stars 3 forks source link


A portable ESP8266-based device for Evil Twin and deauthentication attacks with customizable phishing pages.

Things you will need


1. OLED Display

2. Buttons

3. Battery Charging Module

4. Switch

5. Battery (3.7V)

6. Antenna



  1. Install Arduino IDE.
  2. Open Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences > Additional Boards Manager URLs, and add:
  3. Select NodeMCU as your board.
  4. Upload the code to your NodeMCU.
    • You will need these libraries (Adafruit_GFX | Adafruit_SH110X for 1.3in OLED | Adafruit_SSD1306 for 0.96in OLED).

Alternatively, use to upload a .bin file without using Arduino IDE.

How to use

  1. Navigate between networks using the Left/Right buttons and select a network by clicking the SELECT button.
  2. Choose the type of attack.
  3. Select a phishing page or upload your custom HTML page.
  4. Once the attack starts, press SELECT to return to the home screen.


  1. Handle: Waits until the target network is gone, then starts the Evil Twin attack.
  2. Evil Twin: Creates an Evil Twin network with deauthentication running simultaneously.
  3. Deauth: Sends deauthentication packets to disconnect devices from the target network.
  4. EarthLink: Creates a fake public network named "EarthLink" with a captive portal and phishing page.

Phishing Pages

  1. Stars: A simple page displaying "NetHunter" with a falling stars animation.
  2. TpLink: Mimics the TP-Link login page.
  3. Custom Page: Allows you to upload your own HTML page.



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